Two :)

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Well then i take it you liked the last chapter?! haha

you guys make me smile :)

who thinks it would be awesome to have a name like Jasper? i would love it... better then 'Charlotte' ma stinking name :P

No offence to anyone else with that name :)


same thing as last time?

7 votes and i will post a new chapter?????

hee hee :)

enjoy my little rainbow ducks xx


"Haha calm down you are going to wake her up, Chris!" I silently laughed as my friends tried to tidy my room while i was asleep. They didn't know i was awake but i had been for the past half hour. I was good at acting but i was amazing at art. It had always been my best subject at school. I preferred to do landscapes but i did the odd portrait and modern.

"You’re the one that's going to wake her! With your music blaring and you keep walking into things!" She snapped back. Smiling to myself i decided to let them know i had awoken.

"You know, if you wanted to do it quietly and secretly, you might want to consider not shouting and talking to each other?" They all froze and looked like dear's caught in head lights. "I was only joking. But i have been awake for the past half hour..."

They all started talking, blaming and apologising at once.

“I’m sorry it was all Em’s fault!” “Good morning sunshine!” “Chrissie did it!” “We are sorry, why didn’t you tell us!?”

“I was only joking! Take a chill!” I laughed. God my friends can be so naïve sometimes! “Any way, who’s cooking me breakfast?” Sitting up I grinned. They all had gone silent and deathly pale. “Chill, I will just get my mum to cook!” They all let out a breath at once. Gosh my friends are random!

"So are we going shopping before you go on your date?" I groaned. I hate shopping. Another reason why me and Aquata aren’t close. She’s a shopaholic, and I try not to go within 10 feet of a shop.

“Do I have to?!” They all chorused a ‘yes’ and pulled me out of the bed. I face planted the ground. “And I thought you guys loved me!”

“Shut up and go shower!” Chrissie ordered as she started making my bed.

“Quick question, why are you even tidying my room in the first place?” I hate having my room tidy. Because if it’s messy I know where everything is and I can get to it easy, but when it’s tidy you end up searching through everything and making the room messy anyway and you still haven’t found it, just made a mess of your tidy room. See logic to my madness. (A/N its true! Why tidy your room, when you’re just going to mess it up again?!)

“Well, if Mr Hottie Police man, liked what you did the other night enough to take you on a date, he might want desert. If you get ma drift?” I opened my mouth to reply, then closed it, and opened it and closed it. “If you’re trying to be a fish, go do that in the bathroom, where you can be in water!” Kaya and Jess grabbed my arms and shoved me in the bathroom.

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