Chapter 27 - Dancing In the Rain

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~Grace xx



“Where are we going?” Harry asked April from his seat behind hers for about the fiftieth time. We’d been driving for 45 minutes and I could tell April was trying to not lose her patience with him, but was slowly cracking with annoyance.

“Harold, we are literally five minutes away, so calm your tits, and stop asking me where we’re going.” April replied, barely keeping her voice level.

Kris was sitting behind me, and I could tell she was trying to get Harry to shut up, but it was his birthday, he was excited, and no one could blame him.

He went silent again, and the only noise in the car was the radio softly playing an unknown melody. I looked out the window of April’s car, glancing up at the cloudy sky that was beginning to turn a grayish blue color, like there would soon be rain.

“Alright, we’re here!” April announced, parking in front of what I guessed was a huge mall, with people flooding in an out. “Boys, I suggest you put on sunglasses and hats until we reach out destination.”

The lads and I pulled on the beanies and Raybans we’d taken along upon April’s request, and followed her as she jumped out of the car and locked it.

“Are we all here?” She asked, looking around as we gathered in front of the blue car.

April did a head count to make sure everyone was ready to go before leading us into the mall, weaving our large group in and out of the traffic of people, until we reached a store that’s ‘Open’ sign was on, but looked dark inside.

“What is it?” Rikki asked her.

“It’s glow in the dark mini golf!” April exclaimed, and I looked over at Harry to see a huge grin spread across his face.

“This is gonna be awesome!” Erin shouted, grabbing Liam’s hand and pulling him towards the entrance.

Together, our group made its way into the little store with all its lights off except for a few lamps at a desk to our left. April walked up to the guy at the counter and paid for all of us, calling everyone over to grab our little put-put clubs and little fluorescent green balls.

“The course is numbered so you should be able to find your way around, and your golf balls are glow in the dark so it shouldn’t be that hard to keep track of them, but if you lose yours or need anything else, just ask.” The blonde guy who looked to be around our age said to us from behind the counter with a smile before we thanked him and found our way to the first little course, engulfed in darkness as the light from the rest of the mall and the few lamps had faded.

Looking around at the room that seemed pretty large, I noticed that each level was decorated extensively with patterns in glow in the dark paint. Some just had little designs, others were themed; like number six that was covered in space themed graphics, like a rocketship painted on a loop in the course.

“I think we should just go through it doing the ones that look fun instead of following the numbers.” April suggested, and we all agreed

“I like that one with a tiger on it,” Heather said abruptly, pointing to number four, grabbing Niall’s hand, and walking over to it.

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