The Girl behind the Throne Chapter 35

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Oh my F*cking god this chapter was hard to write, as its the last one before the epilogue, it was almost as if my subconcious was going "nnnooooo dont leave me, stay write some more". so when i finally got over mahoosive writers block, i had to write the hardest thing EVER!!!

ok so its 25pages on word, so none of you can say it was too short, and can i just say here and no thank you so much to Erica and Krystin for urging me to carry on, and can i say that this is proof im not dead or something.....i dont thing :O

ok so enjoy, only one chapter left and that is the epilouge, and can i warn you already, its slow at the begining for a reason so just enjoy  :D

song is perfect for last chapter, ive been writing for hours and may pass out from exhaustion so im just going to click upload now.....



ok ok ill do it for real now :D

“Does my bump look big in this”? Sloane asked mockingly twirling around in her dressing gown giving us the full three sixty. I rolled my eyes good naturedly.

“Your bump looks big in everything”. I said with another massive slug out of the champagne shoot draining the small amount in it and replenishing it for a full one. Sloane shot me a look which i gathered mean, ‘if you get drunk before my wedding ceremony, i will kick you in the ovaries’ shrugging i chuckled nervously, “i mean how long have you been pregnant now, a couple of years?”. I said with a shrug pacing along my room which had been housed for the bridal party while they got ready.

“Wow, that’s hilarious. Did you think of that all by yourself?” she said with a dry tone which showed that she was nervous too, it was unfortunate for her that she couldn’t drink, because the champagne was soothing me. “I can’t believe you didn’t get me a stripper last night by the way”. She added in a pissed off tone.

I looked over to Belle who was filling herself with champagne while her hair was being put up by Marcel, but not out of nervousness like Sloane and I, she was drinking for the hell of it- she just shrugged and suddenly found something very interesting in her bouquet of flowers.

I made an exasperated noise that sounded like i imagined big foot to sound like. “I thought that maybe just maybe you being nearly eight months pregnant and all wouldn’t like a half naked man riding your bump bareback”. I said throwing my hands in the air.

“See that just shows you don’t know me at all” she retorted making me laugh my head off despite our scuffle. It was a trait we both shared, the ability to pick fights due to nervousness that would make a pit-bull look like a member of the my little pony brigade.

A delicate cough in the corner made us both swing round, Marcel was watching us with a scared expression on his face while Belle was smirking, her beautiful hair pulled up with a few curls trailing around her long graceful neck. “It’s your turn Tess”. He said hesitantly, obviously not wanting to get involved with our squabble.

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