The Girl behind the Throne. COMPETITION :)

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hey guys, how we all doing?? well i for one am happy that wattpad is back, seriously it was like somebody snatched my child :O it was highly traumatic....

*whimpers......uhh.....*slaps of cheek...ok so back to the point, this my friends is a competition just to spice things up in our wattpad relationship..i mean you havent been seeing anyone else have you?? is that lipstick on your collar???!!!...

ok so now that i have (hopefully) got all the dicking around out of my system, i will explain the competition so silence please....thank you 

the prize: 1). a chapter dedicated to you.

 2). a spot as number one in my library.

 3). random conversations with me.....ahh well that comes anyways, seriously i chat to people all the time on wattpad and have scared only a small number with my craziness :) im only joking about the conversation thing btw, god could you imagine how ARROGANT that would seem.

4). for me to read/edit (if thats what you want?) your stuff.

5).  co-write a short story with me (if you want) 

6). input into the next chapter of T.G.B.T.T (basically i tell you my ideas and take yours into consideration) and a sneak peek into it :O

ok?? everybody got it?? good, moving on

to enter: you have to write an expert of any of my chapters, it can be anything that has happened so far, in ANYONES point of view, hell it could even be in flapjacks or barry (sloanes invisible body guards). you can write anything from sloanes crazy dreams, or even a secret meeting of tess and jamie, sloane and andrew, chapter from when Tess and Liam going out or even when tess and jamie were kids.....(they were just a few ideas btw not rules)

the rules: 1). it cant contradict any of my plot, so it cant be jasper and tess running away in the wind and eloping because that would completely screw up the plot that i have to write.

  2). it HAS to be in the past, it cant be in the future.

 3). you are a little respectful, eg respect my characters and the way i have portrayed them (except for liam and richard- you can just write a chapter about them being assholes if you want)

4). i retain copyright, so obviously you cant carry on writing it after just one chapter. 

               5). it has to be handed in/ entered into the competition for 30th april (so a week on saturday from now)- but i will take a few if they're a couple of days later than that. 

ok?? ok so to enter them in...either post them as a new story on your profile and send me the link OR you can email it to < my wattpad email address...ok ?? 

ok, so i will choose my favourite on saturday and the winner will be announced by evening time :) aka asap for all those not on my time....

ok so let the competition start..........................NOW!!!

if you acutally read the whole thing and are interested if you comment add a %sign before your comment :

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