The Girl behind the Throne Chapter 32

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hey guys, how are we the next upload wont be until saturday-ish as i have my granduation on wednesday and i have to get my glam on :D but anywhos, the song in the box is perfect for the party and the running afterwards so you should play that while reading it....its a big plus that its irish too, cus you know how patriotic i am...

but anyways, i was interviewed recently and will post the link on my page when it comes out if on the off chance you want to read it....

but i have to say this chapter was the most fun so far for me to write...i dont know why but i just loved writing it, and i missed the surprise characted like CRAZY :D

I stood there for a second heart hammering. He was wearing a grey suit and a blue shirt, his dark grey eyes seeming tired and ringed but never the less he still looked handsome and glamorous. His wide smile showed the gold teeth and his black hair shined in the dull light.

Beside me Peaches stood in a motionless pose her mouth open and nearly touching the floor as she took in the beauty of Andrew. “That is one hot-dam-a-lama”. She said making a fainting motion. Despite my shocked state i let out a loud snort and looked at her.

“As per usual i haven’t got the slightest idea what you are saying”. I said before looking back to Andrew, his smile was tender as if he was looking into my soul and he nodded slowly as if acknowledging my still extremely broken heart. Suddenly my eyes filled with tears as i looked at the closest thing to a brother i had ever had and taking a running jump i hugged him and landed into his strong arms.

Soon heaving sobs were racking through me and Andrew slowly rubbed my back muttering comforting words and kissing me on the forehead. “I know darling, get it all out”. He said to me in a very tender voice before turning his head to Peaches who was still standing there looking at him with her mouth open. “Can you by any chance open the door, im afraid my girlfriend wouldn’t like it if the paps thought i was cheating on her”? He said in a charmingly polite voice that caused Peaches to offer him a shy smile, something so characteristically unusual for her that it made me laugh despite my tears.

Peaches stood shock still for a second before rushing to open the door and flicked on the light. Andrew still carrying me walked through the door appraising the shabby little room that Peaches chronic laziness made it look like a city during a blitz. “Nice place you got here. Very....chic?” he offered sitting down on the chair and holding me close.

“Now sweetie, do you think that you could possibly stop crying. I mean don’t get me wrong i love you darling but Christ in ten minutes you could ring out this suit and use it as bath water”. He said making me smile and mopped up my face before turning to Peaches who was trying and failing to inconspicuously sneak glances of Andrew out of the corner of her eye. “Do you possibly have something to straighten her up? Vodka perhaps?” He asked with a charming smile that reduced her to a pile of blubbering quivering blushes.

“Sure”. She said running to the bathroom to grab the glasses and filled a glass of vodka for me, giving Andrew and i some time alone. I desperately wanted to ask “how is he?” but every time i opened my mouth to do so, my eyes would fill and my heart would hurt. As if sensing this Andrew looked at me, his dark grey eyes piercing into mine like lasers.

“He’s not too good actually, stress is getting to him and i haven’t been able to get a single response out of him that didn’t consist of one word since you left”. He said simply, running his fingers through his hair showing how exhausted he is, for once in his life he looked like a grown up and having to face his responsibilities.

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