The Girl behind the Throne Chapter 19

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hey there my lovelies.....did you miss me?? 

ok so i dedicate this to erica- whos stuff is out of this world, plus she has the most outrageous sense of humor, it would make me look like a blushing check out her story electrify me, you wont be dissapointed. 

did everyone check out the competition, if now check it out never know it could be you that wins it :) 

i was suffereing from extreme writers block when i wrote the first half of this chapter so i apologise if its complete bullshit :) 

ps. if anyone wants to make a cover for me, go for it....i love seeing them

pps. people who have checked out my facebook page are going to be getting little insights into the next chapter before anyone else so if you want to hear more of my craziness check it out !! :) 

I sagged back on my bed; I had just gotten off the phone with Jamie after explaining for the ninetieth time that it was just a friend’s thing. In the end I had snapped at him and said that he was being hypocritical because he was still officially going out with Penelope because his father thought it would be too much of a scandal for them to break up after only two weeks of going out- and told him not to get his panties in such bunch and then hung up on him.

His phone call was then followed by Sloane who was still babysitting belle and was slowly going insane, despite my answering murmurs of ‘oh no’ and ‘I agree’ (basically I wasn’t listening at all) she invited herself round so we could all have a taste of the belle ‘loving’, oh joy.

I was lying on my bed when my bedroom door opened suddenly and Sloane came storming in followed by a whining belle. She took one look at me lying on my bed and made a shooting herself motion before jumping down to lie beside me.

“Do they have doorbells in the planet you come from?” I asked looking at her, a smile playing on my lips.

“Yeah but we only use them to warn people of impending doom, there was no need to startle you”. She said talking over belle who was still rabbiting on while looking through my wardrobe.

“I think that in this case, it counts as impending doom”. I said gesturing my head towards belle making Sloane snort. Suddenly she stopped and looked at me, like really looked at me.

“You popped your cherry”. She said a smile playing on her gorgeous face; I sat up a shocked expression on my face.

“How the hell did you know that?” i asked in a stunned voice.

“It’s my superpower to know when people get laid”. She said a smug smile on her face, she opened her mouth to ask questions but I gestured for her to shut it. I wasn’t in the mood to talk about the whole cherry popping situation with her at the moment.

“I would have preferred invisibility myself”. I murmured getting up and going to my dressing table.

“Well belle and I are hitting the town tonight. Do you want to come?” She asked in a very hopeful voice, I shook my head laughing. Belle was still talking to herself.

“I can’t, I’ve been tricked into going out with somebody else tonight”. I said in a low voice, I was in a seriously bad mood. Hopefully jasper would see that I was probably the worst person you could bring out and leave me alone.

“Oh really who?” Sloane asked flicking through my sketchbook, she looked at me with one eyebrow raised picking up on my uninterested and slightly pissed of tone.

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