Messy Texting Situations

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Emilia (15), Ella (10), Harry & The Missus (39).

Ella was finishing school at lunchtime today since it was parent-teacher interviews this afternoon. Something that you and Harry weren't going to since you'd had a meeting with her teacher a few days ago. She had planned to go over to a friends house, something that you wished she would have done...

"Should we get pizza tonight, or shall I cook and we can get take away tomorrow?" You asked your husband as you walked towards the bedroom.

"Can I get a few minutes alone, please?" Harry said to you, his face buried into his arms, laying face down on the bed. You frowned, making your way over to the bed. You climbed onto it, crawling over the bed on your knees to reach him before hitching a leg over his body, settling yourself on his bum and reaching forward to rub his shoulders. As soon as felt your body come in contact with his, he jerked away and turned to his side so you fell to the side, landing onto the bed. "I asked for a few minutes alone."

You scoffed, climbing off of the bed and standing at the foot of it, arms crossed in front of your chest. "Sorry for being worried and trying to fucking help my husband," you spat before going to walk away, but Harry stopped you. He started to shout.

"Fucking hell, stop being so sensitive. I asked you for a few minutes alone and you act like I've asked you for a divorce. You're always there and when I nicely ask you to leave to give me time to think you get bratty. You're on my last fucking nerve right now and I need some time alone!" He shouted angrily.

You shook your head and started to pace. "Are you kidding me? We're married. We're fucking married and you're blowing up at me because I tried to help you. Is that what kind of marriage this is?" You said, your eyes starting to tear up. Harry was fuming.

He ran his fingers through his hair and growled frustratedly. "What kind of marriage do you mean? I thought we had an understanding marriage but maybe not. I need my own space, y/n!"

"Being on tour for 5 months at a time isn't space enough for you? I only see you half of the year if I'm lucky. You promised you'd have slowed down by now! You're almost forty and you're married with four kids, Harry. You aren't 22 again!" You screamed. You were glad Ella wasn't home.

He looked at you angrily, his eyes burning holes through you. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? I go on tour to earn for our family since I don't see you doing anything," he shouted back. You staggered backwards, a spell of dizziness hitting you. He went to take a step towards you but you stepped away and held out a hand to stop him from coming any closer.

"Don't. Touch. Me. I have a degree, Harry. I have a degree that I could get a job with, a good job! It was both of us who decided I'd be a stay at home mum while you went off and lived your dream and I supported you through everything. I've supported you through tours, through promo tours, through all-nighter studio sessions. I've been by you for the past 17 years and you now start bringing up my all of my issues and insecurities with not being able to earn my own money. I'm fucking done with this, I'm so stressed out already!" You screamed.

"You're stressed? Maybe I should fucking leave them because I'm stressed too and you're the reason I'm stressed! Maybe I should leave and stay with my mum for a while up in Cheshire!" He shouted. You phone buzzed six times one after the other in your pocket, straight after he shouted.

There was a small break in your texts while you caught your breath before another two vibrates. You furrowed your eyebrows, ignoring it. This was more important. "Leave, you want to leave? Fine! Go!" You screamed in anger as a few tears rolled down your cheeks. Another two vibrations and you pulled your phone out to check it, Harry doing the same, seeing it was Emilia and Ella in the group chat they had made with you and Harry.

Em? Mum and dad are fighting

It sounds serious

Dad's shouting really loud

He's talking about leaving because he's stressed

He's saying it's because of mum

I'm scared, Emilia

Reading through the texts more tears fell out of your eyes. Ella had heard. Ella was home. Ella had heard everything. Emilia had gotten back to her with;

Ella, look at the conversation you've sent this into
Are you on the iPad sending these?

Ella continued to text back in the group chat.

I didn't mean to! I just seen your name and sent it because I was worried. Yes, I'm on the iPad. Emilia, what do I do? I don't want them to see this.

They're still shouting they've not seen it.

They stopped.

Emilia was quick to reply.

Have they seen it?

You knew you shouldn't have fought like that. No matter if the kids were gone or not. The mention of divorce, leaving and you telling him to go ahead and leave was not the marriage that you both worked for. "You want to text back?" Harry said, his voice raspy with the shouting and screaming at one another. You nodded, moving to sit on the bed, your fingers tapping over the keys while Harry came to sit beside you. His hand moved to sit on your lap, offering as a silent apology.

We've seen it, bub. We're sorry. We didn't mean to scare you. We love each other very much and neither one of us are ever going to leave. We promise, Daddy's just stressed. We've made up now, everything's better. All Mum's and Dad's fight, sweet pea. Our relationship wouldn't be as strong as it is now if we didn't fight. xx

"I'm sorry. Everything's just getting on top of me and I took it out on you. I'm so, so sorry. Just the mention of divorce terrifies the hell out of me. And I'd never leave," he assured you, squeezing your leg gently.

Ella got back to you quickly.

I'm ok. I just got scared when Dad started talking about leaving xxxx

Harry then started typing.

I'd never leave you. Can Mum and I come downstairs now and give you a hug and say sorry in person? xx

Ella agreed saying she'd love that and Harry stood up holding his hand out to you, pulling you off of the bed and into his arms. "Love you so much, missus. You're my everything. I meant nothing that I said," you nodded in agreement, tiptoeing to press your lips to his.

"Let's get downstairs to our bub, then," you smiled, pulling him towards the door.

'My work here is done,' Emilia sent into the text making you and Harry both chuckle walking down stairs as he texted back with a simple, 'Bub, you didn't do anything.'

To which he got, 'Hey, I supported my sister!!!'

"Hi love, are you ok?" You asked Ella as you got downstairs. She nodded from where she was sitting on the sofa. You and Harry took a seat either side of her and squeezed her tightly in the middle of you both. "We love you."

"I love you guys too. I'm sorry for eavesdropping," she smiled shyly.

"We didn't give you much choice, bubba. We're sorry for shouting so loud." Harry chuckled pressing a kiss to his temple.

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