Anger Vs. Embarrassment (Smut)

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"can you please write an imagine where Anne keeps taking pictures of Harry and y/n and posting them on Instagram and the fans start pointing out y/n flaws and Harry gets mad?"
"can you do one where Anne catch harry and his missus in the middle of having sex? thank you"
So these were originally two different requests, but I want to merge them together.

"I'm nervous," you spoke as Harry drove down the street he grew up on.

"Why? My mum loves you!" He told you, taking his eyes off of the road for a second to smile at you.

"I know, but it's the first time I'm going to see her since we got engaged," you said, taking a glimpse down at your engagement ring that was placed onto your left hand.

"My mum was all for it, my love. I spoke to her about it before I even got the ring. She seen the ring once I chose it, and she was over the moon that I'm finally settling down. She's so excited, baby," he tried to calm you down, but it didn't really help. You wouldn't calm until you seen Anne.

Harry signalled that he was turning to the left, shoulder checking, before turning into his mother and stepfather's driveway. Harry grabbed your right hand, and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it gently. "My mum and Robin love you. Please don't worry about a thing."

And he was right. As soon as his mother heard his voice travel throughout the house, she ran from the kitchen, out to the entryway, ignoring Harry, and pulling you into a hug. "Oh, my daughter in-law you look incredible!" She squealed, pulling you into a hug. "Let me see the rock finally on your finger then," she said, her voice filled with excitement. You held your hand out, showing Anne the platinum band sitting on your finger - the sun reflecting off of the diamonds.

"Hi, mum. I'm great, how are you? I've missed you too," Harry sassed making you laugh, and Anne roll her eyes.

"Oh, sweet boy. I'm good, thank you. I've missed you too," she smiled, pulling her son in for a hug.

"There they are! Hi, H. Hi, Y/N," Robin smiled, coming out from the kitchen. He brought you into a hug, complimenting Harry on his taste as he looked at your ring, before shaking Harry's hand.

"Come, come. Let's relax in the back garden with some champagne, celebrate the engagement," Anne said excitedly, leading you through to the kitchen, and then out of the patio doors. Harry pulled on your hand, pulling you closer to him as he sat down, pulling you onto his lap.

Robin passed you both champagne flutes, pouring himself and Anne one, handing one to his wife. "A toast, to my son and his fiancée. May they both live the happiest life possible. To Harry and Y/N," Anne said as though there was hundreds of people to toast to you both.

"To Harry and Y/N," Robin smiled.

"To us," you and Harry both toasted at the same time, clinking your glasses together, smiling at each other. You felt a flash go off and you looked at Anne who was standing with her phone.

"What? I had to get a picture of the happy engaged couple with the ring in it so I could congratulate them on Instagram," she smiled, showing you the picture, the hand that you were holding the glass with - also your ring hand - was facing right towards the camera.

"I love it, Anne. I just don't want anyone to think I'm trying to show the ring off. Because that's not what I'm trying to do at all. I know the fans can get a little, opinionated," you smiled and Anne shook her head.

"Sweetie, you and my son love each other, you're not with him for his money, so I don't understand what they could possibly say. And if they have anything to say, I'll be the first to put them wrong," she smiled before typing away on her phone. Your phone buzzing on the table a couple of seconds later.

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