Upset or Jealous?

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"Can you maybe do one where Harry spends a lot of time with Emilia and Y/N feels left our something and she confronts Harry, and he gets mad but the makeup in the end xxx love you"

"Hi," you mumbled into Harry's shoulder, where your head was snuggled in. Your voice was still laced with sleep, your eyes clouded with tiredness.

"Hello, my love. I was thinking it was about time Emilia went to the zoo," he said and you nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I think so too. She's been dying to see a real life Giraffe after watching some reruns of 64 Zoo Lane," you chuckled, as he smiled. "What time were you thinking of going? I need to take a shower first," you said and he turned straight on his side to look at you.

He smiled sympathetically before opening his mouth to speak. "I was thinking that was something we could do just father daughter bonding, you know?" You frowned, but quickly covered it up with a forced smile.

"Oh, ok. That's fine," you smiled, falsely. He pecked your lips before climbing out of bed, and walking out of the room no doubt going to get his daughter ready. Your daughter.

You got out of bed and tried to forget about missing your baby girls first trip to the zoo. You turned the shower on, before stripping off and stepping under imagining Emilia's face of wonder and disbelief as she looked up at the giraffes as she squealed excitedly. And you wanted nothing more than to see that in person.

"Bye Mummy. I love you," Emilia hugged you as you sat on the sofa after your shower. You pulled her in tighter pressing her body against yours, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you too, sweet pea. See you when you get home, yeah?" She nodded before taking Harry's hand, who had pecked you on the head, said goodbye, and then they both walked out to Harry's car.

You weren't sure what to do with yourself... You though you could maybe have a family day today but instead Harry and Emilia are off to the zoo and you were stuck in. So you decided to do what you always done when you were upset- you cleaned. And you cleaned. And you cleaned, until you received a text...

Taking Emilia for her first ever Rainforest Café and then for her first Kandy Krunch for some cookie dough and ice cream so we won't need dinner .xx

You sighed as you read the text. You wanted to be there when she met all of the people dressed in costumes at the Rainforest Café. You wanted to see her face light up walking into Krispy Kreme and seeing all of the cakes, milkshakes and sweet things they had to offer. You wanted to be there for that, but you felt like Harry was taking it away from you.

It reminded you of the time you wanted to take her to the movies to watch the new Cinderella movie that came out, but you refrained, because the first time at the movies should be experienced as a family. Her first time going anywhere or seeing something while she was still young should be with you and Harry. Or maybe that was just your thinking...


You decided just to zap some frozen lasagna leftovers in the microwave to save you cooking for only yourself, and since you would be sitting at the dining table yourself, you sat on the sofa and watched reruns of Friends.

Your mind wasn't in the show that was currently playing on TV. You were in another world thinking about hardly seeing your family today and spending the day alone, also that it seemed Harry was almost ignoring your feelings. You weren't sure what came over you but when your phone buzzed with a notification that Harry posted something on Instagram and you opened it to see a picture of Emilia with giraffes in the background, her wonder-filled eyes admiring the beautiful creatures with the caption, Had the best day bonding with my favourite girl, you felt alone, hurt and angry.

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