Not The Best Idea

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Harry was leaving for LA tomorrow, and any other time you wouldn't care. You wouldn't care if he was going to be back before August 22nd, but he didn't get back until August 25th. You knew if he remembered the dates, he wouldn't have been going, which was what you were trying to tell him.

"Harry," you tried to interrupt him but he couldn't stop raving about how great it was going to be to finally catch up with Jeff and Glenne when he arrived in LA. You sighed in frustration, you were excited for him, you were. He'd finally be catching up with his friends that he hadn't seen in months. He had asked you to go, but you had only managed to say 'I have commitments here, babe. It's-' and he had cut you off once again saying that if anything was to change, send him a text and he would fly you out. But you couldn't do that, because your Sophia and Lou had organized a mini pamper night for you, the night before your birthday.

"I can't wait to spend time with everyone over there! I haven't seen them in forever. And the weather's going to be great this week. I just wish you could come, baby. You're gonna stay here for the week while I'm gone, yeah?" he smiled sadly and you nodded.

"Yeah, I wish I could come too but Harry you're gone for-" you trailed off as he cut you off once more, promising you that he'd be back on the 25th. You sighed climbed into bed while he finished packing his case, excitedly babbling on about LA, and it still hadn't hit him that he'd be missing your 21st birthday. And you gave up, hoping that maybe he planned to surprise you.


Your night with Sophia and Lou had gone well. You had confided in them about Harry and him forgetting your birthday which had ended in a puddle of tears, and maybe a little too much wine. They told you that they hadn't heard from Harry to say that he had been planning anything. You also made them promise not to text him and remind him, to which they agreed. He should remember on his own, not because Soph or Lou reminded him...

You woke up to your phone buzzing, and you pulled it off of the nightstand answering it. "Hello," You groaned, your voice still laced with sleep.

"Hi baby. Sorry, did I wake you up?" He asked you, and a shred of hope came back, maybe he was calling to say happy birthday. Maybe he hadn't forgot and he was going to tell you to open the front door and surprise you.

"Yeah, it's fine though. It's 10 so I should be getting up," you smiled into the phone.

"I was just calling to tell you that I'm going out right now. Jeff, Glenne, Cal and I are going to head out for some food and a couple drinks so I'll probably talk to you tomorrow. Is that ok?" That hope you had, faded away. And you frowned, sighing quietly so he wouldn't hear it.

"Yeah, whatever. Listen, I have to go. Bye," and with that you hung up. It was your birthday. You were 21 and you'd be spending the day alone. And you didn't know how to feel about that. Maybe you could call Sophia or Lou and ask if they wanted to go for dinner tonight, but after spending last night with them you didn't want to annoy them. So you decided to forget about plans for tonight for a second, and just relax for a few minutes. You had read Gemma's, Anne's Sophia's, Liam, Niall's, Louis' and your parents' birthday wishes and had just started to reply to them.

While you were relaxing, you swore you heard the door downstairs open, but you shrugged it off, and figured that if you did, it could only be someone you knew that had a key. When your bedroom door burst open to reveal Lou, Sophia and Lux running over to the bed to jump onto your bed, your heart burst and you smiled.

"Happy birthday, Auntie Y/N!" Lux shouted as she ran onto the bed, and right into your side.

"Thank you so much, sweet pea. You look absolutely beautiful today, Luxie," you smiled and she shied away into your neck making you chuckle, and press a kiss to her head. "What are you guys doing here?" You asked, giving Lou and Soph a hug.

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