Pointless Jealousy

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"Emilia, come on! Dad is ready to take you to Niall's!" You shouted up to the 18 year old who was no doubt putting way too much makeup on for your liking. Emilia was spending the night at her Uncle Niall and Auntie Ava's so she could spend time with their daughter Mia seeing as Mason was having a couple of friends around tonight, and fourteen year old, Ella was away for the weekend up to Scotland with her friends family. Micah had decided he just wanted to have a night with his parents and watch a couple of movies.

Micah was eleven, coming up for twelve and with him being your last baby, you had breastfed him for longer than the other kids, gave him cuddles more often, fussed over what he wanted for dinner and tried to keep him your baby that liked cuddles for as long as you could. And it had nothing to do with favoriting kids - no - you loved them all equally, it was more of a need to keep him innocent for as long as possible.

"Mum! Aidan and Charlie are going to be here in 10 minutes," sixteen year old Mason shouted from the top of the stairs before the slam of his door echoed throughout the house.

"Mason Edward! Please tell me you did not just slam that door!" Harry shouted back.

"Sorry, dad! It was the wind," he tried and you sighed, shaking your head at Harry before giving Emilia a quick kiss on the forehead as she ran down the stairs with her duffle on her shoulder for the night ahead. Harry pressed a peck to your lips before grabbing his keys from the table in the foyer.

"Let's get going, Poppet. I don't want to leave your Mumma with a house full of hormonal teenage boys for too long," he joked and you backhanded him over the arm.

"Love you mum," she smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek, and making her way

"I love you, Meels. See you tomorrow, ok?" She nodded before following Harry out to his car, and they pulled away down the driveway, beginning the five minute journey to Niall's house.

Just as you were placing the Mac 'n' Cheese that you had made into the oven, the door ran, and you went to answer it. You knew it would me Mason's friends, but you wanted to meet them having never met them before. "Hey guys," Mason said as he invited them in, just as I opened the kitchen door. "This is my mum, mum this is Aidan and Charlie," you smiled warmly at the boys.

"Hi, you can call me Y/N. Just make yourselves at home, boys. Dinner will be ready in around twenty minutes," you said smiling. They both nodded, before smiling, as though being dazed by you. Furrowing your eyebrows you turned to Mason, "I'll call up to you when dinner's ready, Mase."

"Thanks mum," he said as he gave his two friends a look.

You were just setting the table when you felt two arms snake around your waist, before familiar lips started to kiss along the skin that wasn't covered by the shirt you had put in this morning. You spun around in his arms before he looked down at the plunging neckline, smirking. "Damn, I really like this shirt," he mumbled, before burying his face between your breasts.

"Harry, come on. Behave," you chuckled as he moved his face to press a kiss to your lips.

He smiled, innocently at you before pressing another peck - only this time - to your cheek. "I always behave. You can't wear a shirt that shows off your boobs and makes them look extremely, incredible, if you don't mind me saying, and then tell me to not pay attention to them," you chuckled before pulling his face closer to yours once more, to kiss him more deeply this time.

"Dinner's ready. Can you call the boys down, babe?" He nodded and you smacked his bum as he walked away. You walked into the kitchen, taking the glass dish of macaroni out of the oven, along with the honey pepper chicken strips that you had done to go with it. Harry walked into the kitchen, three boys following him, Harry ruffling up Mason's hair before Mason sat at the table as Aidan and Charlie followed suit. "Do you guys want me just to dish up or do you want to dish your own?" You asked them and the three teenagers shrugged, Harry giving Aidan and Charlie a glare, that you clicked him out of as you hit him with the dish towel.

You decided to just dish up and then if anyone wanted seconds, they could help themselves. You placed plates in front of Aidan and Charlie first. "Thanks Mrs. Styles," Charlie said, Aidan nodded in agreement.

"Of course, enjoy boys. And please, call me Y/N," you said, before grabbing Mason and Micah's and setting them down, going back to the counter and grabbing your own plate along with Harry's.

"Mrs- Y/N this macaroni is amazing!" Aidan complimented and you thanked him.

After dinner, Harry was still frowning, and he was being extra touchy-feely with you. It wasn't unusual for the kids to witness make out sessions, and for you to both be cuddling and groping each other - you kept it PG-13 - but it wasn't a big deal in the Styles household. But you definitely kept it to a minimum when you had guest, but clearly that didn't matter to Harry right now.

"Ok, you guys can have the den tonight if you would like. Your dad, Micah and I will stay in the sitting room," Mason nodded, getting up from the table, placing his and his friends dishes and cutlery into the dishwasher before walking into the den.


"Hey, what's wrong with you, babe?" You asked as you and Harry were cuddled into bed that night. You could still hear the boys along the hall laughing, which made you smile.

"Those boys were looking at you in ways that are so wrong," he grumbled. He knew he had nothing to worry about, they were your sons age for crying out loud, but having someone look at his wife that way angered him, and he had to admit it got him a little jealous.

You ran your fingers up and down his chest, smiling as they came across the line of hair that disappeared into his boxers. "They're teenagers, H. You need to calm down. They're not doing any harm," you pressed a kiss to his collarbone and kept your fingers at his boxers waistband, running them up and down the hair, before Harry let out a heavy sigh.

"I know- I just- they're young, they shouldn't be looking at you like that. It just makes me feel angry like they're disrespecting you. I don't like it at all," he whispered. You slipped a finger underneath his waistband and smirked as he sucked in a breath.

"You have absolutely nothing to worry about. How about I go and grab some wine and cake and we go for a bath?" You offered and he nodded. "You run the bath, I'll get the necessities?" You offered, wrapping your thigh length silk robe around your body over the silk slip you pulled on.

He nodded, standing up, pulling you into his chest. "We may be forty-two, missus. But we still have it," he teased, making you laugh. "Now go get us some cake so I can feed you and attempt to seduce you and we can act like we're 21 again."

"You know we can't have sex, right? If they heard anything, Mason would be mortified," you chuckled and he nodded.

"That doesn't mean we can't do anything," he teased, pushing you out of the room, making you laugh, going to fetch wine and cake.

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