Nervous Introductions

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Ok, so obviously this is an AU to the rest of the SYLM series so I'm not going to use Em, Mase, Ella or Micah in this part. But, as always, you can choose which name you'd like! I also changed this prompt a little and instead of a previous marriage, it's a previous relationship! x

"Mumma's going out now, bub. Come give hugs," you shouted through to the living room from the entryway of your house, smiling as you heard the pitter patter of little feet before a little body came hurling towards you and into your arms. "I love you, be good for Auntie, okay?"

"I will, Mumma. I love you too. You look very pretty," your four year old son smiled up at you.

You crouched down and brought him in for a hug, before puckering your lips for a kiss. "I'll see you in the morning, Oli. Remember I'll be home later tonight so remember when you wake up, I'll be in my room, ok?" He nodded, hugging you once more before running back into the living room. "Thanks for watching him. I'll be in around 1. Remember, you can stay here," she nodded in defeat despite her earlier argument that she could drive home once you got home.


You weren't planning to meet anyone that night. You weren't planning on agreeing to a date with someone that night. You also weren't planning on giving someone your number that night. But three months ago, you did. And you also happened to really like the person that you gave it to, which was where you were heading right now. To meet him. Harry Styles, member of One Direction, and the person that you were currently seeing. The person your son knew nothing about. And the person who knew nothing about your son. But that, was going to change in a matter of minutes.

"Hey, I got you a vanilla latte," Harry smiled as you slid in the booth beside him of the small London coffee shop.

Giving him a quick kiss, you pulled away and smiled. "Mmm my favourite, thank you," he nodded in welcome and smiled at you.

His eyebrows furrowed a quick second later, noticing your change of mood. "Is everything ok? You sounded stressed on the phone and everything just got really serious," he chuckled nervously. You had no idea how to bring it up. Did you just blurt that you had a child?

You placed a hand over his clasped ones on the table. "So, we've been seeing one another for three months and lately I've been feeling like we could actually go somewhere. Like, this is more than just a 'hookup' if you will. And I've not told you something, which is completely idiotic of me because it's a big part of who I am. And maybe I should have told you straight away but I didn't want to in case nothing ever blossomed but it has and now I need to tell you and I don't want you to think I was hiding it or ashamed because I'm far from it and I don't know how to-"

"Hey, hey, hey. Breathe, y/n," he said, worried that you were suffering some sort of a panic attack or something.

"I have a son. He's four. His name's Oli, short for Oliver. I had been dating his dad since I was 16 and when I was 19 I fell pregnant. As soon as I told his dad he left, accused me of planning the pregnancy and jeopardizing the condoms so I could trap him. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and I totally understand if you get up and walk away and 'lose' my number. I don't expect you to stay with me now," you said, looking down at your hand that was still cupped over Harry's clasped ones.

"I'm not going to say that I never want to see you again. I just need some time. I'll call, yeah?" Harry said as he unclasped his hands and gathered his coat before sliding out of the booth, and walking out of the cafe, leaving you alone with your latte and his tea still sitting on the table.


"Oli, bub! Your pizza's ready!" You shouted to the four year old who was currently watching Thomas The Tank Engine in the living room. You played his pizza, putting it on the dining table before walking into the living room and pausing the TV before leading him to the kitchen.

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