Birthdays and Concerts

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"where (y/n) and the kids are watching Harry and the boys on stage but one little fan loves (y/n) she's asks if Harry can say happy birthday to her thanks lovely"

There will be a day when One Direction aren't late. There will be. One day. Far in the future, but you were hopeful. As you sat in the crowd with a 9 year old Emilia sitting right next to you on your left, 6 year old Mason sitting two seats away from you on your left, 4 year old Ella sitting right beside you on your right and 2 year old Micah on your knee. You were worried because all of the kids starting to get restless.

"Emilia! Sit down, I've told you already! Mason, stop making that face, it's not nice. Ella, please stop bouncing on that chair," you were trying to calm them all, but it was proving to be a challenge. You knew bringing four kids under ten would be difficult, but not this difficult. "Do you all want to go back backstage and watch the show?" Harry had reserved incredible seats right by the catwalk for you all, but if the kids couldn't behave, you would have to leave and have Lottie help you with them.

"No Mumma! I wanna stay here!" Ella said and you nodded.

"All of you need to sit still and behave then. Put your headphones on love. Daddy will be out soon and it'll be too loud for you," you spoke to Ellie and Mason, who finally done as you asked. You repositioned Micah's headphones, making sure they covered his small fragile ears and pressed a kiss to his head.

"Y/N?" A small voice pulled you out of your thoughts and worries about the kids, and you turned to look to the row behind you. There was a small girl around 9 and you smiled at her.

"Hi sweetie, what's your name?" You asked and she smiled shyly.

"It's Anna," you smiled.

"I love the name Anna. I was going to call Ella, Anna. But my husband preferred Ella Sophia," Anna nodded and smiled at you once more.

"Harry's my favourite," she whispered. You looked down to her feet to see she had a small poster saying it was her birthday.

"Happy Birthday, Sweetie! What age are you?" You asked, moving Micah around on your knee so you could get more comfortable.

Her mum was watching the conversation with glossy eyes. "I'm 7 today," she said and you nodded. "I know that it's a lot to ask, but could you maybe ask Harry to wish me Happy Birthday?" She asked and you smiled at her.

"I think we could make that happen, beautiful."

You pulled out your phone and opened up Harry's conversation.

There's a girl behind us in the audience named Anna, you're her favourite. She's the sweetest. Wish her a Happy Birthday please... She's 7 today. Xxx

The lights suddenly turned off and Ellie and Mason grabbed onto you, Micah starting to cry in your arms. You kissed his head repeatedly and stood to rock him. You positioned all of the kids so that you could see them as your husband and his 3 band mates walked out on stage. Clouds started and Emilia started dancing with Mason, Ellie clinging onto your leg. You held Micah with your left hand and placed your right hand onto Ellie's back rubbing softly.

The boys were nearing the end of the show and you were worried that Harry hadn't gotten your text. You didn't want to disappoint the girl, but you also didn't want to spam Harry with texts just in case he had his phone on stage.

"Hello London. We've been One Direction, and this is the point in the concert were we thank everyone. I want to thank my beautiful wife who's actually in the crowd tonight. Thank you for putting up with all of my nonsense and terrible jokes, for giving me the 4 most beautiful kids I could ever ask for. And for never giving up on me, or losing belief in me. I'd like to thank my beautiful babies Emilia, Mason, Ella and Micah for always giving me a positive outlook on life and helping me look at things in different ways. And of course, my three best friends, for putting up with me for the past 12 years. It's been a great ride. Also, it's a little off topic but I hear there's a special someone in the audience tonight. I hear that it's her birthday, and she's 7 years old today. I'm also her favourite, so Anna, happy birthday. I hope you've had a great time tonight and I'm going to come down and give you a hug because you're just so cute," Harry smiled as he walked to where you were sitting before sliding onto the ground. You lifted Anna over your chair seeing as Micah was currently holding Ella's hand standing on the ground, and you placed Anna into Harry's open arms.

"Hi love. How are you enjoying the show?" He asked her and she nodded that she was having a good time, a little starstruck.

You felt a light tap on your shoulder and you turned around to see Anna's mother, eyes glazed over. She brought her mouth closer to your ear to talk to you. "Thank you so much. She's been wanting to meet him for so long. She loves you too, you know. When you and Harry confirmed your relationship she told me you looked like an angel and that she wanted to grow up to be like you. And now I see why. Thank you so much," you nodded and pulled her in for a hug.

"Harry loves meeting fans. Especially ones as cute as your daughter."


"You really are the best, you know that don't you?" Harry asked later on that night in bed.

You chuckled, cuddling into his shoulder more. "What do you mean?" You asked and he shrugged before answering.

"You just always want to help people. And I love that about you. You have such a beautiful heart. I'm so proud to have you as my wife."

"I'm proud to have you, Harry. Never forget that."

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