Time Out Rebellion

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Emilia was a chancer, there had been no doubt about it ever since she had found out that her feet were able to propel her towards things. So now at three years old, she was well aware of the speed and power she could move at using her feet, so when Harry had assured you that he would be fine for the day while you and Gem went for massages - a pregnancy one for you - it was understandable that you were a little nervous.

"Bye honey, I love you. You too, mister. I'll see you both when I get back, okay? Have a good Father-Daughter bonding day," you said to your husband, and the girl cuddled up in her fathers arms.

"And we love you. Don't we, Poppet?" He said and she nodded into his neck, letting a little yawn pass from her lips. You opened your mouth to assure him that you could stay home but he cut you off with a smirk. "We'll be fine. If I need anything I'll call, just go have fun with Gemma and relax. I love you both," he pressed a kiss to your lips, before leaning down, and pressing a kiss your bump that seemed to be getting bigger every single day now.

"Bye Mumma. Love you," Emilia mumbled into Harry's neck making you smile, before telling her how much you and her little brother loved her and walking out of the door, into the waiting car Gemma was sitting in.

"What should we do now, Poppet?" Harry asked Emilia. "Shall we put you down for a nap?" Her eyes widened and she shot off of his chest looking at him, shaking her head. "Were you kidding you were tired to Mumma?" Harry asked raising his eyebrows. Her face turned into a smirk as she wiggled to get down on the ground.

"We have chocolate?" She asked with a wide smile. Harry took her hand and led her into the kitchen. He took out the tin full of little bars of chocolate, opened it and placed it in front of her.

"Pick two," he emphasized the number. She nodded taking a fun size Milky Way and Twix out of the tin before running out of the kitchen and into the living room to continue watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that was currently playing. Harry turned his back to the living room to make himself a cup of coffee, and turning back, he noticed Emilia eating more sweets, opening the packages quietly so he couldn't hear.

"Emilia-Anne Rose Styles!" He said and she dropped the Mars bar that she was eating onto the floor, her mouth dropping that he had caught her. "I told you to take two only!" He was disappointed that she had disobeyed him. "I think we need to put you in a time out. Let's go," he took her hand and sat her on the third step up that was renamed 'time-out step', and she didn't like that step.

"Daddy! No, Daddy! Don't," Harry shook his head and placed her on the step walking back into the kitchen. Emilia waited until he was in there and then he heard her little footsteps running through the living room. He placed his coffee mug onto the counter and sighed, following her.

"Emilia-Anne! Stop it, now," he said sternly, picking her up as he reached her sitting on the sofa, walking her back to the step and placing her on it.

"Daddy, please don't! Daddy, no!" She started to scream, but Harry held his own and shook his head.

"Three minutes, Emilia. If you run away again, I'll add time," he said sternly, walking into the living room and turning the TV off. When he turned back around she was sat at the living room door, peering in. "Emilia-Anne," he warned, going over and picking her up once more, placing her onto the step. "Four minutes now," he said and walked away once again. Her screams hurt him. He hated disciplining her, and he wished he didn't need to, but she wasn't going to turn out spoiled. Sure, she was spoiled, but she wasn't going to get away with everything.

She ran into the living room while Harry wandered back into the kitchen. He repeated the process he'd been repeating the past few times she ran out. "Five minutes now, Emilia. If you do it again it will be six. Do you understand?" The tears running down her cheeks started to soften him up a little. She nodded, rubbing her eyes, and Harry walked away into the kitchen to return to his coffee. He leaned his elbows on the counter, rubbing his hands over his face, feeling extremely guilty for disciplining his daughter, but he had to.

Five minutes later, Harry walked over to the small girl who was sitting on the step, Lebanon against the wall. "Emilia, Daddy put you in time out for a reason, do you know why?" She nodded, looking ashamed. Harry waited for her to explain to him why, and finally she opened her mouth.

"I took chocolate that didn't belong to me when I had already had two," she explained and Harry nodded.

"And what do you say?" He pushed.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I'll never take more again," she whispered, he smiled and opened his arms, finally allowing her to jump into them.

"Now, why don't we go watch a movie, cuddle on the sofa with a blanket, and when Mummy comes home we can go for a walk to the park?" She nodded into Harry's neck, making him smile, and press a kiss to her cheek.


"Hello, my loves," you shouted as you arrived through the door three hours later, now stress free and well relaxed.

"Hi, baby. How was your massage?" You moaned in reply thinking back to it.

"It was incredible. I missed you both though," you smiled walking into the sitting room, seeing both of them cuddled under a blanket, you squeezed onto the sofa beside them, pulling some blanket over you, and kissing Harry softly, before kissing Emilia on the head.

"How's our baby boy been?" Harry asked, reaching to rub your bump.

"Kicking every three seconds. But I love it," you smiled, as Harry rubbed gently where he could feel him kick, as you watched the film Emilia had obviously chosen - Frozen - and cuddled with your husband, baby girl, and unborn baby boy, and this was were you wanted to stay for the rest of your life.

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