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So I'm going to substitute Olivia for Y/D/N and Jacob for Y/S/N because it's it's a lot easier than using Y/D/N and Y/S/N all of the time. If you don't like the name, just put in whichever name you'd like where Olivia and Jacob are said :)

"Morning guys! So a lot of you have requested that I start doing daily vlogs since I had our first baby, Olivia but different reasons that I've informed you all of before came up but now that Jacob is now one and Olivia is now two and a half, Harry and I talked and I decided I'd try and see how it goes. I love watching other YouTubers' vlogs so I hope that you enjoy this as much as I enjoy watching theirs. So I guess I'll just start the vlog here," you smiled and turned the camera off. You were currently recording the intro to your very first vlog which you hoped would be a new thing to do for your YouTube channel if everything went to plan.


You woke up to a small hand shaking your shoulder and you opened your eyes and were faced with your 2 and a half year old daughter. "Morning Mummy," You grabbed your vlogging camera and turned it on, focusing it towards Olivia. "We go watch Peppa Pig?" She asked and you nodded turning the vlogging camera to face you.

"We can but we need to be quiet and try not wake daddy ok? Go on downstairs, I'll meet you in a couple minutes," she nodded and you filmed her run away in her little Minnie Mouse pyjamas. You turned the camera off while you slipped some Victoria's Secret sleep shorts on. "So it's 7:15 in the morning, Liv usually wakes around 8 but it's been earlier this week. Jake usually wakes around 8/8:30 too but he's been a little earlier this week too, so let's go see if he's awake," you walked into Jake's nursery to find him standing in his crib, using the white posts for balance. "Good morning, handsome. How are you, huh?" You cooed and you managed to capture his little face lighting up as soon as he heard your voice. You lifted him up, placing him on your hip and turned the camera to face both of you while you walked downstairs. "So Olivia's downstairs, she'll be waiting in the sitting room, we're going to put Peppa Pig on, I'll make some breakfast for Liv and Jake and then Harry should wake around 9 so we have breakfast together while the kids play and then everyone gets ready. Today I think it's just a chill day, we need to go grocery shopping but apart from that, I don't think we're doing anything." You filmed pretty much the whole method of making porridge with honey for the kids but you knew you'd edit most out. You filmed feeding Jake, and some cute moments of Liv talking about Peppa Pig and then you heard footsteps from upstairs.

"So I think the kids woke Harry, I can hear him moving around upstairs. The kids have just finished breakfast, so now we snuggle until Harry and I get hungry. Speak of the devil," you turned the camera around to Harry who was walking through the door in a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms and a white t-shirt.

"Daddy! Come sit with me, we're watching Peppa Pig!" Olivia squealed at her Daddy while Jacob sat on your lap. Harry came over and gave you a quick kiss and then gave Jake a kiss before lifting Liv up, and sitting down beside you then putting Liv on his lap.

"You should have woken me up, you know I hate when you do that," he smiled at you and you shrugged. "So, what episode are we watching today?" He cooed to Liv. She launched into a full description of what episode was on making you laugh. You put the camera down for a while and spend 20 minutes or so, focused on cuddling with your family.


"So it's 11am, we're all ready and I think we're going to go for lunch and then we'll go shopping since our cupboards are pretty empty," Harry came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Is Mummy ready to go?" He asked dropping a kiss on your cheek making you smile.

"Mummy is ready, are the kids?" He nodded. You turned the camera off and made your way to the car, strapping Jake in while Harry took care of Liv.


Harry stole your vlogging camera while you chased a crawling Jacob around the Italian restaurant you were in and started to film you. "So we're in Carluccio's and Jacob and Liv are a little hyper. So Y/N is taking care of Jake while I calm Liv down. We're getting there.

"Jacob Edward Styles, you little rascal," you smiled down at the boy in your arms once you had finally captured him. He started to fuss but you took a little piece of pasta from his plate and fed him it. He happily ate it so you placed him into the high chair and smiled as he continued eating his pasta. Harry turned the camera off and placed Liv back into her seat to eat her pasta.


"We we're in Morrisons and look at this, this is the cutest thing," you whispered turning the camera around showing Harry holding both Liv and Jake in each arm. "We need tortilla wraps!" You shouted ahead to them and Liv's eyes widened a little.

"To the tortilla wraps!" She shouted holding one of her arms out in front of her and Harry took of quickly marching to the bread aisle.

"He's such a dork so he gets along so well with the kids, they both favourite him over me," you chuckled. "I'm the 'strict' parent," you emphasized strict because you definitely weren't. Harry just let them get away with everything.

You walked around to the bread aisle and managed to catch Liv giving Harry a kiss and then him kissing Jake's head making you smile.

Once you were finally finished, you packed the car and climbed in while Harry took the cart back. About 10 minutes into the journey you turned the camera on. "So we've finished our shopping, Jake's mumbling happily in the background and Liv is out for the count. The kids usually have a nap around 2 so this is their nap time. So we're going to go home, I'm going to workout and Harry's going to make dinner. We'll see you later on," Harry smiled at the camera, making sure to keep looking back at the road.


"So the kids are finally in bed and I'm making Harry and I our nightly coffee. We're having a little bit of chocolate with it and we're going to watch a movie in bed. So I guess this is the end of my very first daily vlog. I hope you've enjoyed following my family and I today and I think it went pretty well so I think this could be a new thing. I've also got Jake's one year update coming up so that's exciting and Harry and I were thinking of doing a Q&A too. So I guess I'll see you tomorrow! Thank you for watching, bye!" You turned the camera off and smiled. It would be good to look back years from now and see how much has changed and how much the kids have grown. You liked this daily vlog idea.

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