Jealousy Isn't Nice

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"nicole! can you please write one where Harry & y/n take Emilia for an annual check up and and while In the waiting room can Harry be playing w some of the toddlers there and Emilia gets jealous?!❤️"

"Baby girl, don't be nervous," you said to the small girl in her car seat. She furrowed her eyebrows making her resemble the man you loved who was sitting in the drivers seat focusing on the London roads you both knew oh so well. "You're absolutely perfect. I know you don't like doctors visits but everyone needs to go, sweet pea," you smiled sadly at your daughter. She sighed and you turned around to face the road once again, rubbing your 6 month baby bump, smiling as your little mister kicked you.

"Emmy, please don't be sad. Mummy and Daddy hates when you're sad. We're only taking you to the doctors to check if you're even more perfect that we thought you were," Harry said to your daughter. You chuckled at your husband and turned around to catch a small smile on Emilia's face but when she seen you looking, the frown returned.

"I seen that smile Emilia-Anne. You can't hide from Mummy," you chuckled. Harry smiled grabbing your right hand and resting it on your lap. You smiled over at him, admiring all 5' 11" of him- even though you swore he was taller, but that could have been due to the boots he was obsessed with.

Harry driving was one of your favourite things. His lip brought between his teeth as he prepared to take a turn down another street. His jaw clenched as someone pulled in right in front of him with not enough room and he had to brake swiftly. His hands tightly wrapped around the steering wheel as he got annoyed as the car in front for going 20mph under the speed limit. You loved that you were able to study the (mostly) black intricate drawings on his arm, even though you had over a thousand times. Just him in general with the positive, relaxing aura he gave out to others.

When you pulled up to the clinic, Emilia looked around, frowning as the place she dreaded came into view. Harry parked the car swiftly before climbing out quickly seeing as your appointment was in 3 minutes. You got out as fast as you could, your six month baby bump getting in the way.

"Daddy, please don't make me go in. I don't want to go," Emilia pouted to her father. You seen his eyes soften and look over to you. You pointed at your watch and he sighed.

"Baby, I'd love to just take you home and snuggle on the couch but unfortunately I can't. We need to go, but once we're finished we can go to Tesco and I'll buy you that new My Little Pony toy you've been wanting," he offered. He didn't like bribing her, but you and him both knew that if he didn't, Emilia would be kicking and screaming as you entered the clinic. You walked around to get a clear view of her face, chuckling silently as it looked like she was debating whether she wanted a toy or whether she would rather miss her doctors appointment.

"Could I get the My Little Pony and the Barbie I've been wanting?" She was a chancer just like you, you'd give her that.

"Yes, if you get out right now and come into the clinic with Mummy and Daddy. Come on, little one," Harry smiled as she moved to get out of the car and he caught her as she jumped into his arms.

As you gave the receptionist Emilia's name, she thanked you and then frowned. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Styles, it seems Dr. Green is running 30 to 40 minutes behind. We can reschedule your appointment if you would like, or you could wait, it's totally up to you."

You looked to where Emilia was shyly cowering into her father as all of the other kids were playing together in the play area dead centre of the square of chairs that all faced to the kids. "We'll wait. Thank you," you smiled. "Thirty to forty minutes late, but we got her in here so I said we'd wait," you whispered to Harry as you took a seat.

"Hello, I'm Jessica. Would you like to play with us?" A girl no older than 5 asked as she stood in front of you and Harry. You sent her a bright smile, before looking down at Emilia.

"Look Emilia, the nice girls asking you to play with them," Harry said and she shook her head into his chest, clearly still upset about her doctors visit. "How about I come down and play with you?" Harry suggested, Emilia was quick to agree. Harry placed her on the ground and took her hand, walking over to where all the other kids were playing dress up. Harry knelt down to be on the same level as the kids, and gestured for Emilia to go and interact with the kids, but she wouldn't.

"Excuse me, mister? Could we do your hair?" Another little girl around 2 asked and Harry chuckled, nodding, not being able to say no to her. She nodded at all of the other girls and they came running over, clipping things to Harry's hair, brushing it through with their fingers pretending they were cutting it.

"Daddy? Can I have a cuddle?" Emilia asked sweetly. Harry had never looked as torn as he did in the moment.

"I'm a little tied up right now, honey," he smiled sympathetically. Emilia frowned and took a step back.

"Daddy? Could you get me a drink please?" She asked sweetly a few minutes later.

"Honey, the girls are playing with my hair. Go ask Mummy, ok?" Emilia ran off, running over to you, her bottom lip quivering.

"Sweetie, whats wrong?" You asked her and she climbed into your lap.

"Daddy's not paying attention to me. He only wants to play with the other girls, not me," she mumbled into your chest. You peppered kissed on her forehead, smiling gently into her hair.

"Don't get jealous, sweet pea. Daddy's only playing with those girls because he thought you were going to play with them all," you whispered, pushing her hair out of her face, pressing a kiss on the smoothed back hair. "Daddy loves you more than anything in the world, don't you worry," you smiled. She nodded into your chest and you sat like that for 20 minutes before the door to exam rooms opened.

"Emilia Styles," Dr. Green shouted into the waiting room from the doorway. You put Emilia on the ground and held her hand, pushing her towards the friendly female doctor. Harry stood up from his spot on the ground where all of the girls were. Taking everything out of his hair and putting it onto the floor. He said goodbye, before joining you.

"I hope you're ready to apologize to your daughter," you whispered to him.

Once you were finished with her exam, and were sure that everything was perfect, more perfect than Emilia originally thought, you went to Tesco. And Harry ended up buying Emilia six toys. Four more than expected because he 'felt terrible for making his baby girl jealous'. But you wouldn't have him any other way, because he was the kindest, most loving guy you had ever met.

And soon enough, you were all home and your husband and daughter were cuddling on the sofa, Emilia having forgotten everything that happened that day, focussing on the Daddy cuddles she was getting at that moment.

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