That Big Thing and The Other Big Thing

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As your husband of 7 years' voice erupted around the stadium, you smiled. You could never get enough of it. It was what you woke up to and went to sleep listening to most mornings and nights. "Mummy, what's that big thing that Daddy's on?" Your 4 year old daughter, Emma asked you from her place on your hip. Your 8 year old son, Noah was off somewhere with Liam's son Jack, no doubt getting up to no good.

"That's called a stage, that's where daddy will be tonight and there will be people in all of these seats watching him and your uncles perform," you explained and she nodded, briefly understanding what was going on. "Can mummy put you down now? You can stand on one of these chairs?" You asked, hoping she'd nod so you could use your hands to massage the bottom of your back that had been playing up. She thought about it for a few seconds before finally agreeing. You placed her onto a chair, telling her to keep still and not to jump around, before forming your hands into fists and trying to relieve some of the pain.

You continued to massage for a couple of minutes while watching your husband and his best friends continue singing one of the fan favourites 'No Control' and finish up their soundcheck. You took a seat on the seat next to the one Emma was standing on and made sure to keep an eye on her as she wiggled her bum around a little making you smile.

Your face contorted in one of pain, you closed your eyes and Liam seemed to notice. "Cut the music," he said into the mic and you looked up to find him looking at you concerned. "Harry," he said and pointed to you when Harry turned round. Harry ran to where you were, jumping off of the stage and then over the railing that separated the audience from the stage.

"Hey darling, what's wrong? Is everything ok?" He asked, worried about what was going on. "Is the baby ok?" He whispered into your ear making sure no one around heard. You were only 2 months along and you didn't want to tell anyone yet. Not until the first trimester was over. You nodded grabbing his hand assuring him that everything was fine.

"The baby's fine. All of the pregnancies have affected my back, I'm okay. I promise. I just need one of those pregnancy massages you learned about," you whispered, kissing his jaw and when you pulled away you smiled at him. "My wonderful husband, what would I do without you?"

He shrugged and kissed your lips lightly before picking up a jealous Emma because she wasn't getting any attention. He kissed her cheek and made her laugh explode, like music to your ears. "You look so much like your mummy it's unbelievably perfect," Harry said to the small girl.

"And it's a good thing our son looks like you," you said, poking Harry's dimple.

"Daddy? Can I come on that big thing with you?" Harry nodded and passed him to Liam who was waiting at the barrier for him who then passed him to Niall while he gave you a final kiss, and climbed the barrier and onto the stage once again. The music started up from where it had left off and Louis immediately found his spot, and started to sing. Harry lifted Emma onto his hip and held the mic to her lips. "Can I come on this big thing tonight?" She asked, her voice echoing around the stadium making you laugh.

"If you really want to," you were sure was what Harry replied, as you tried to lip read what he was saying.


"30 minutes to showtime," Paul said as he knocked on the door before opening it when he didn't hear any refusal of his entry. You were laying on the sofa while Harry had his knees either side of your thighs, rubbing his skilled fingers into your back.

"I'm ready to go Paul, I've even got my in-ears, look. Just come and get me 5 minutes before, I need to help my Missus out," he smiled up at Paul.

"Five minutes before, Styles," Paul warned before walking out, closing the door behind him.

"Mmm, it's so relaxing babe," you moaned as your eyes started to flutter closed. Harry leaned down so he was resting just above you and kissed the back of your neck.

"I can't believe we're having another baby," he whispered into your neck, before making his way to your shoulder blade where you had 21.07.17 tattooed, the date you and he got married, and he kissed it. "Still the best day of my life, along with our babies being born," you smiled.

"Can we just cuddle until you need to go on stage?" You asked and he nodded into your neck, placing one more kiss before climbing off of you, allowing you to move into the back of the sofa as much as you could, and then he climbed on beside you, both of you facing each other.

"How's your back?" He asked, brows furrowed showing his worry. You assured him it was a lot better thanks to him, and he smiled. He let his right hand rest on your hip, and then he leaned in to press a kiss on your lips. You brought your hand up to his face, letting it rest lightly, allowing you to deepen the kiss a little.

"Mum! Dad! Emma's crying, she fell and hurt her knee. She's in where you serve food," he said quickly before running away again.

"It was nice while it lasted," you whispered and Harry nodded in agreement.


You and Emma sat beyond the barrier to watch the boys show so no fans bothered you and it would be easy to pass Emma to her father as she still insisted on going stage. Noah was off with Sophia and Jack getting something to eat from catering. "So, there's a very special guest in the audience tonight who wanted to say hello to you all. She asked me during soundcheck if she could come up so I do ask that you all be quiet, she's never been up here before and I don't want to scare her, so please welcome my princess, Emma!" He smiled as you stood and lifted Emma up so Harry could grab her and place her on his hip. "How are you enjoying the show, baby girl?" He asked and you looked at a couple of the fans seeing them coo at his relationship with his daughter.

"It's very good, Daddy. But you're a bad dancer," she said as he held the mic out to her and everyone in the stadium cracked up. You were glad Cal was here to video the little event.

"Mummy told me I was a good dancer," he pouted, trying to hold in his laugh. He looked down to you and you held up your hands as if to say 'I said nothing'.

"She lied, Daddy. Uncle Louis can dance better," she smiled over at Louis and he came over taking the small girl from her father's arms.

"I knew you were my favourite niece," he smiled attacking her face with kisses.

"Did you know I'm getting a li-"

"Emma, we promised not to say anything about that big thing," Harry cut her off and she furrowed her eyebrows making her look exactly like her father.

"The thing we're on?" And you smiled, she called the stage the big thing.

"No the other big thing," Harry said and she thought about it.

"Oh. Sorry Daddy, I forgot," Harry smiled taking her back into his arms.

"It's ok princess. Ok, time for you to go back for mummy but thank you very much for coming up here," Harry puckered his lips and she placed a kiss onto them before he passed Emma down to you and you kissed her cheek. She was only 3, so perhaps telling her that she would be getting a little brother or sister but she couldn't tell anyone as it was a secret was not the right thing to do, but she kept pestering you and Harry about having a little brother, so Harry told her the good news and she was ecstatic.

You were madly in love with you little family.

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