A Little Too Hard

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🎉🎉yay requests are open! Hmm could you write one where everyone goes out to celebrate the end of tour and the missus gets herself into a sticky situation or accidentally hurts herself and harry freaks out and get a all protective? Ok, that's all. I hope you're having a good day! Xo

"Baby? Are you nearly ready?" Harry shouted through the hotel room as you sat on the bed buckling up your heels for the night ahead. It was the final night of tour and you and Sophia were joining the boys, who were going out to celebrate.

"Yes! I'm just buckling my shoes, give me two minutes," you shouted back. You returned your attention to your shoe, huffing when you couldn't get the metal through the little hole in the fabric, but finally, you got it. You stood up, standing in front of the floor length mirror straightening your dress out before grabbing your bag, and walking out to the sitting area of the suite where Harry was sitting wearing black skinny jeans, a black mesh shirt, a black blazer overtop all with black boots. The colour scheme tonight was obviously black...

"Wow," Harry whispered as soon as he seen you. He stood up from where he was sitting on the sofa and cleared his throat. "You look absolutely breathtaking, my love. How did I get so lucky to make you my fiancée?" He questioned, smiling brightly at you. You took a few steps towards him closing the space between you and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I'm the lucky one. You're everything I could've dreamed. I love you," you whispered, your breath hitting off of his cheek.

"I love you too. But I'm definitely the lucky one," he smirked, you ran your thumbs over his dimples, pulling his face closer to yours again, pressing one more kiss to his lips. You wiped away the lipstick that had transferred to his lips. "Ready?" He asked once you had finished. You nodded and he grabbed the hotel key, slipping it into his wallet before slipping his wallet into his jeans pocket, taking your hand and starting to make your way over to the door, and down to jump into the car that Dale, Harry's security was driving, and make your way to the club where everyone else was probably waiting.


"What do you want to drink?" Harry asked you, his mouth close to your ear so you could hear him, his warm breath hitting off of your skin making you shiver.

"Blueberry vodka and cranberry juice if they have it, if not just normal vodka and cranberry juice," you smiled at him and he chuckled.

"Ole faithful, huh?" He joked and you nodded, smiling widely at him. You had been drinking that since you'd met him, and it wasn't so much as you really, really liked it, it was more the case of vodka and rum being the only spirits that you could stomach without throwing up the following morning.

When he returned with your red drink, he stood in front of you, waiting for you to take a sip. When you did, you smiled at the taste that brought back so many memories. "Thank you, love," you said, kissing his cheek as he came to sit beside you.

Niall, Louis and Liam were gathered over at the bar and you frowned at Harry. "Why aren't you over with them?" You asked, tipping your head in the direction of the rest of the band.

"Because there's a really beautiful, smoking hot girl that's just taking up all of my attention right now," he said into your ear. You shook your head, laughing at him, before turning to press a long peck to his mouth. By the time you had opened your eyes again, Louis, Liam and Niall were all piling back over to the small area that you had gathered in, Sophia returning from the bathroom then, too. Harry pulled you into his lap to make room for everyone else. He held his beer in one hand, and his other hand on your hip, rubbing circles with his thumb. Your body melted into his as you dropped your head back so you could turn and place a kiss to his lips.

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