Papa or Grandpa?

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"It's feels strange. Really strange," you whispered to Harry while laying in bed. Everything was silent, and you were reminded that all of your babies had grew up. All of your babies had fled the nest. They're all gone. We're 50, babe. The big five-o," You groaned and he laughed.

"You're only as old as you feel, baby. And when I'm with you, I feel 22 again," he smiled.

"Em's 26, Mase's 23, El's 21 and Micah's 19, H. Does that not make you feel old?" You groaned into his shoulder and he chuckled, wrapping an arm around you.

"As I said, when I'm with you, I feel like I'm in my teens again. I love you so much," he whispered into your hair. You felt your heart burst with his declaration of love, and you snuggled further into his chest.

"You know, sometimes I wish we'd had another one after Mike," you confessed. Harry was about to reply but the ringing of your phone cut him off. You leaned over him and grabbed his phone off of the nightstand, seeing it was Emilia calling. You answered it quickly, smiling. "Hi, sweet pea," you greeted her.

"Hi, Mumma. I'm just calling to ask if it's ok if Noah and I come round?" You smiled at the sound of your daughter's voice. She had acquired a mix of a London accent and her father's accent.

"Of course, honey. Dad and I are still in bed so say a couple of hours?" You suggest and you heard her say something to Noah on the other end, and then she coughed a little, before she agreed to be there around 1. "Our eldest daughter and her husband are coming round," you said to your husband, who's smile grew at the thought of seeing one of his babies before Sunday, which was dinner at your house, and it never went missed.

"Let's lay here for another half an hour or so, I've missed just relaxing with you. Though I wouldn't change anything, the last 26 years have been all about the kids, now it's all about us," he smiled, pressing kisses along the top of your shoulder.

"Feels good, mister," you smiled into his the crook of his neck where your face was nestled. "You know we've been married 28 years this year, and it's been the best 28 years of my life," you said, happily as you seen his eyes light up.

"You brought so much to my life that I didn't realize I needed until I had you," he smiled. You were both genuinely happy, and after 28 years of marriage, it was a blessing to still be together these days. You felt like all you heard about was people divorcing.


"Mum? Dad?" Emilia shouted throughout the house as she opened the front door.

"In the living room!" You shouted back, as you heard two pairs of footsteps make their way into the room where you and Harry were cuddled on the sofa. "Hi, lovey. How have you been?" You smiled as she walked into the living room. She walked over to you both, smiling pressing a kiss to her father's cheek, and then yours. "Hi, Noah love," you smiled at your son in law.

"Hi, Y/N. Hi, Harry," he smiled at you and your husband before taking a seat next to his wife.

"So, to what do we owe this pleasure?" Harry asked both of them who were now sitting on the sofa, similar to how you and Harry were. Noah looked at Emilia who took a deep breath before looking back at you two.

"We just wanted to talk to you," Emilia smiled. You nodded, furrowing your eyebrows at her in question as to why she was so smiley. "So, Noah and I need to ask you both something," and her eyes lit up as she looked over at her husband. "Would you guys rather be called Nana and Papa or Grandma and Grandpa?" Your mouth fell open and tears feel to your eyes.

"Oh my goodness. Are you pregnant?" You asked and she nodded, her eyes watering at your reaction. You were so, incredibly happy. You knew they had been trying for kids for a long while, and they had been struggling with reasons as to why she wasn't getting pregnant, so she came to you. She confessed how much she wanted kids, but she was convinced she couldn't have them. "I'm so, so happy for you, baby. You're going to be the best mumma, Sweet Pea," you whispered as you stood up to pull Em and Noah both into a tight hug.

"My baby's having a baby," Harry whispered, his who face illuminating how proud he was of his daughter. "I'm so happy for you both. I'm so proud of you, bubba," he whispered as he pulled her into a hug. "How are you feeling about it all?" Harry asked, pressing a kiss to her forehead before coming to sit beside you again.

"Terrified. But I'm so excited, I just hope that I can be as good of a Mumma as Mumma was to me," she smiled at you, making you chuckled and nod.

"You'll be an amazing, Mumma. An even better one than me," you said, smiling proudly at your daughter who shook her head.

"I could never be a better Mumma than you. You were the best," she smiled, Noah letting a hand settle on her belly. Emilia's smile lighting up the room.

"So, are you finding out if it's a boy or girl? And how far along?" You asked, Harry laughing at your eagerness.

"I'm 12 weeks. And we want it to be a surprise but I think it's a boy," she smiled, placing her hand on top of Noah's. Your heart swelling with pride as Harry's hand gripped yours tighter.

"I think it's a girl though," Noah said, chuckling at Emilia. You and Harry looked at each other, and giggled.

"I thought you were a boy, and dad thought you were a girl. He guessed all of the genders apart from Ella, he thought Ella was a boy," you chuckled.

"What do you think I'm having, Dad?" She smiled and Harry thought for a second, taking into account the little bump she had before smiling.

"I really think it's a girl, sweet pea. I really do," he smiled and Noah smirked at Em, teasing her because he was right.

You just couldn't believe it. Your baby was having a baby. And soon, if they decided to, all of your babies might have babies. And that scared and excited you a whole lot.

Because it meant growing up, but it also meant seeing your husband with a baby in his arms again - but instead of cooing that Daddy was there, it would be Papa or Grandpa Harry, whichever he chose.

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