Teenage Disagreements

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Ten year old Micah was helping you prepare some enchiladas for dinner later on while Harry was taking a nap on the sofa, a sick, sleeping twelve year old Ella cuddled into his side. Fourteen year old Mason was out with some friends around the neighbourhood along at the park you assumed, while seventeen year old Emilia was upstairs slamming doors and being a typical teenage girl.

You were just finishing off frying the chicken and onion while Micah was grabbing the sauce and tortilla wraps when you felt a chin come to rest on your shoulder. "Smells good, Mumma," she smiled. You pressed a kiss to her forehead and smiled as the scent of her favourite perfume hit you.

"Thanks, Em. Mike helped lots," you said giving Micah some credit that you knew he would love. He was a Mumma's boy, so whenever you praised him, he's smile largely at you.

"Well done, baby brother," Emilia praised the ten year old, ruffling his hair up. "So, Mumma," Emilia said sweetly, obviously about to ask if she could do something, ready to sweet talk her way into whatever it was. "Could I use the car for a few hours? I'd just be going to pick Grace up and then go to the Mall, I'd be away 3 hours tops," she put her puppy dog eyes on making you laugh.

"You have your license, why would you think I'd say no?" You laughed, rummaging through your purse and grabbing your keys to your Range Rover that you and Harry shared. Obviously, he had other cars, but you were going to fork out on a Range Rover just after you moved in with him, and he offered to just share the one he currently had since he had other cars, and if you were out in the Range Rover, he could use something else. "Just be careful, ok? There's a full tank, and remember the emergency brake when you park. I know Daddy and I don't use it but it'll put my mind at rest, okay?" You asked. She nodded, taking the keys excitedly. "And common sense, if you're using the USB or AUX connection for your music, put a playlist on and leave it until you park to pick up Grace or at the mall. I don't care if you're stopped at lights or backed up in traffic, you do not touch your phone, okay?" She nodded once again, rolling her eyes.

"I know Mumma. I promise. Thank you, I love you and I'll see you in a few hours," she picked up her purse walking excitedly through to the garage. The garage door opening obviously jolted Harry awake, as he came wandering into the kitchen a few minutes later, looking around trying to collect his bearings.

"You ok, Mister?" You asked chuckling at his confused expression. His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed you in the kitchen.

"Who's borrowing our car?" He asked, confused as to why the garage door had opened followed by the Range Rover engine.

"Emilia, who else?" You laughed, taking some of the sauce Micah had gotten out of the fridge and adding it to the chicken and onions.

"What?!" Harry said angrily. "You let Emilia take a seventy thousand pound car out on the road without anyone in the car with her?!" He shouted, not caring that Micah was in the room. Micah cuddled into your side hearing his father raise his voice, anger lacing it.

"Listen, we put her onto the Range Rover insurance, it's the only car she's insured to drive, she's driven it with you before, I didn't think it was that big of a deal. She promised she'd be careful, she has her license," you tried to calm him down, but he seemed to get even angrier.

"It's not that big of a deal?! What if something happens to her? She shouldn't be alone, Y/N! Plus it's a seventy thousand pound car! It's not exactly cheaper, maybe it's because you didn't buy it you don't care?" He shouted once again. That last quip got you, that hurt.

"Baby, go and wake Ella up, give her this to take," you said to Micah, taking one of Ella's nausea pills out of the little container and handing it to him as he walked by Harry into the living room. "I care, I do. Out of all of the cars the Range Rover's the safest. Sorry I didn't send her out in your Mercedes with no roof, that she's also not insured for. I also thought you'd care about our daughter's safety more than the amount of money you spent on the car. And you know I was going to buy my own car, so don't come out with that fucking insult. You know how much I hate spending your money," you said, turning your back to him and focusing on the chicken, taking it off of the heat and starting to set out the tortilla wraps, placing them into the deep baking tray.

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