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"Request for Harry: can you write about y/n and the kids go to Harrys show and one of the fans are being so horrible to y/n so Harry sees jumps off stage to talk to the fan but she don't listen to Harry he gets really mad thank you xx"

"Are you excited to see Daddy perform?" You asked an 5 year old Emilia and 2 year old Mason. Harry had reserved you front row tickets and as much as you wanted to stay beyond the barrier, he insisted that you would be fine and he'd have Dale at your end of the stage at all times keeping an eye on things. You tried to tell your husband that it wasn't you that you were worried about, you were worried about the two kids that you had walking either side of you with their tiny hands in yours and big noise blocking headphones on, with all of the fans around you, freezing on the spot as soon as they noticed Harry Styles' wife and kids.

"I'm excited, Mumma," Mason lisped out making you smile as his wide eyes looked up to the giant stage. Dale was walking behind the three of you and you could tell the fans were getting excited, knowing that the boys would be coming on soon once you found your seat. Just as you got settled into the seat, the lights dimmed and the intro video started to play. You stayed seated with the kids for now, nothing blocking their view seeing as the seats were front row and you smiled when the screams erupted and your husband and his 3 friends walked out.

Harry immediately made his way over to your side of the stage as they started singing clouds. Emilia and Mason stood up and you pulled them in front of you so you could keep your eye on them. Harry interacted with some of the fans before looking down at his two kids and pointing surprisingly at them, like he didn't know they were going to be there.

They held each other's hand and laughed at their father, making you smile and smile even wider when Harry winked at you. You smiled as you heard the girls behind you squeal, and you chuckled lightly, Harry joining in noticing that the girls were squealing and screaming seeing as they thought he just winked at them.

When it was Harry's turn to talk he quietened the stadium entirely until Emilia shouted, "love you, Daddy," to him and he chuckled. You chuckled before pulling her into you and kissing her cheek.

"He asked you to be fucking quiet," the girl behind you said. You had picked up snarky little comments from her and her friends throughout the show such as when Harry announced his 'beautiful wife and children' were in the audience, there was a 'wife, fame whore more like' from behind you, but you let it go. But this was your child she was talking about.

"Hi, I've hear multiple comments throughout the concert but she's only 5. It's her first gig in the audience, please back off," you smiled politely and turned around, Harry looking in your direction, eyebrows furrowed as Louis took over the talking.

You shook your head to say everything was fine and he nodded, not convinced but moved to the other side of the stage to interact with those fans. "Your husband need to come and defend you? You can't fight your own battles?" The girl said and you scoffed ignoring her.

"Mumma? Why are those girls being rude?" Emilia shouted not used to the headphones and you shook your head.

"It's ok, my love. Mumma's ok," she nodded and pressed a kiss to your cheek making Harry smiled as he turned around and caught her pulling away. Niall's face was stern as he walked over to Harry and whispered into his ear.

"Even your kids are fighting your battles. You don't really love Harry do you? You're only with him for the money, and the recognition from the paparazzi. I'm right, aren't I? I know I am," she smirked and you sighed, looking up to the sky to keep the tears in. Dale started to walk over but Harry bet him to it cutting Liam off from speaking to the crowd. The stadium going silent. No one screaming or shouting.

"No," he said into his mic before jumping off of the stage, security instantly rushing to his side. He kept his mic down at his side so his voice was no longer echoing through the stadium. "You're not right. You know just because you're all screaming and you think we can't hear you we are actually pretty good lip readers. And I caught everything you just said to my wife. And a band mate caught what you said about my baby, shouting that she loves me," he said, his eyes flaring with anger.

"You must have picked me up wro-" she went to cut him off but he shook his head.

"No! Don't tell me you didn't say it because I know you did. Now listen to me," he was getting angrier and angrier by the second, and you felt anxiety start to creep up with all of the attention on you, your husband and the fan. "You can hate on me, fine, go for it, but my wife and kids, I will not stand for. I'm the one in the band, not them. Y/N married me because she loved me, not for my money. And I love her and my kids, more than anything in this world, and I've expressed how unhappy I get when fans treat my family like pieces of dirt. I don't appreciate it. So please stop," he said before Emilia and Mason, who were now up at the barrier were lifted over by Harry and he nudged his head to you, you walked over and he carefully lifted you, mindful of your dress, and placed you down to the floor.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you about staying here," he whispered and you shook your head.

"It's not your fault. Everyone except her was lovely, and I think she really is sorry," you smiled and looked back to the fan who was still staring at Harry, horrified she was heard, and looking extremely apologetic towards you. You smiled over to her and she sent a small smile back. Harry pulled you in for a kiss and you returned it, leaning into his body, before he pulled away. You were sure there would be pictures everywhere within the next minute, but you didn't care, because all you cared about in that moment, was that your husband would always defend and protect you.

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