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"Mummy? Where are we going?" Two year old Emilia asked from the back of the car. You turned the music down and looked back at her.

"We're going to visit Auntie Gem, she just got a new kitten so Daddy wants to see her," she nodded and then focused her attention back on the world flying by on the highway. She was quiet for the rest of the 20 minute journey, solely focused on the scenery and humming along to the radio.

You placed a hand onto Harry's hand that was resting on the console and his eyes flickered to yours for a few seconds before going back to the road. "I love you," you whispered and he smiled.

"And I love you," he answered back, squeezing your hand a little making you smile.

You finally pulled into Gemma's house after around 25 minutes of driving due to the traffic and parked right beside her car in the driveway. You climbed out and waited on Harry unbuckling Emilia before walking up to the door.

"Bubs!" She shouted, pulling Harry into a hug and making him chuckled.

"Hi Gem, how are you?" She shrugged.

"I'm better now Olivia's keeping me company," she smiled sadly.

"He wasn't worth it, Gem. You deserve so much better," Harry assured her and Emilia stepped forward.

"Can I see the kitten Auntie Gem?" Gemma smiled and picked up the small girl placing her onto her hip.

"Of course you can, her name's Olivia Pope. But you can just call her Olivia. She's just a few months old so she's still really tiny so we need to be careful," Gemma said and Emilia nodded assuring that she understood. You and Harry walked in behind Gemma holding her niece and smiled at the two. They were extremely alike in your eyes, Harry's too in fact. They were both so laid back and witty.

Gemma led you into the living room and you noticed the little bundle of fluff lying on the sofa and you instantly melted. You were more of a dog person but she was extremely cute. "Gem, she's the cutest," you said and Gemma nodded in agreement.

"She's just like Dusty without the little speck on her nose," Harry contributed. Harry walked over to the kitten and petted her softly. You knew after this, he'd want another baby and a cat, and you were a little terrified.


"Look Mumma!" Emilia squealed as Olivia jumped to catch the toy Gemma was teasing her with.

"I know baby. She's really cute isn't she?" You said and Emilia nodded. You were cuddled on Gemma's sofa watching Emilia play with Olivia.

Emilia lay on the ground and Olivia came and lay beside her, tucking herself under Emilia's arm making Gem smile as she watched her niece and kitten bond together.

"Does this mean you might come stay overnight more often, babe?" Gemma asked your daughter and she nodded excitingly.

"Could Olivia sleep with us?" She asked and Gemma smile, tears starting to form in her eyes a little and you gave her a confused look, she waved you off but you weren't going to let it go.

"Of course she could, only if you wanted her too though," Emilia nodded and laughed as Olivia stood up once again and placed herself on Emilia's belly this time, curling up into a ball, and closing her eyes for a catnap.

"Do you guys want to stay for dinner? We can order in Chinese or something," Gemma asked, a hopeful look on her face. You nodded feeling a wave of sympathy come over you for her. It must be hard to go from living with someone for 4 years to having no one but your kitten.


"Meels, honey? Go play with Olivia in the living room with Daddy for a second please," you said as she played with one of Olivia's squeaky toys, the cat following her ready to play. She skipped off, Olivia following her and you knew Gemma knew what you were going to ask. "What was that about earlier? When Emilia asked if Olivia could sleep with you when she came to stay?" You asked her as you placed another plate into the dishwasher.

"I just got emotional because I thought she would want to sleep in the spare room but she asked if Emilia could sleep with us and I guess it just made me feel happy and loved that she wants to sleep with me when she stays. I think I've drummed it into my head that I'm not any of those things after Aiden left," she said, wiping a couple of tears away from her cheeks. You immediately pulled her in for a hug.

"Don't you ever thing your unloved. Harry, your mum, your dad, Robin, Emilia, and all of your friends and I love you so much, Gem. Aiden was a dickhead if he couldn't see what was in front of him. You're the best thing that could have ever happened to him and he threw it away. Don't blame yourself, you'll find someone who will treat you like a princess," you smiled and she nodded.

"I want someone to treat me the way Harry treats you," she whispered and you nodded. Rubbing her back gently as you tried to soothe her.

"And you will. I promise," you said and she nodded.


"Time to say goodbye to Olivia, babe. We need to get home," Harry said to Emilia as he pulled his boots back onto his black sock clad feet.

"No Daddy! Can I stay with Auntie Gem?" She pouted and you looked over at Gemma. You didn't want to say yes if Gemma didn't have anything ready for her to stay. She nodded at you.

"She can wear one of my t-shirts to bed and you could bring her a change of clothes tomorrow when you come to pick her up," Harry nodded in agreement when Emilia placed her arms around the kitten.

"Did you hear that Olivia? I'm staying tonight with you and Auntie Gem!" She whispered and you, Harry and Gemma all smiled at the small girl. She was definitely something.

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