Big, Bad, Mean...

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You woke up at 2 in the morning with Mason, your 4 week old baby boy wanting to be fed. You grabbed him from the bassinet and held him in your arms so he could feed. Harry roused awake and smiled sleepily as he noticed his son awake and suckling happily, filling his small belly up.

"Hello," he whispered and you chuckled at him trying to keep his eyes opened. He always felt like since he didn't have the means to feed the kids, and it was you always up with them because they needed your boob, he always felt obliged to sit up with you and admire the bond that breastfeeding had created between you and your kids. "Is that good, Mase? Does Mumma's boob taste good?" He asked making you laugh.

Suddenly there was a loud crash from outside and you sighed, looking down to Mason expecting him to start screaming, but he didn't... Surprisingly he continued to suckle happily as his eyes started to droop into a milk-induced sleep. "The forecast was thunder and lightening," Harry croaked and you nodded. "I wonder if Emilia will sleep through it," he wondered out loud. But you knew if she didn't and she was scared, she wouldn't be slow in coming to cuddle with her father who no-doubt always protected her with his life.

Mason unlatched from your nipple and cuddled into your bare chest that you knew was for comfort, giving you a smile as he slept. You chuckled and fixed your bra so your boob wasn't hanging out anymore. You placed Mase back into the bassinet and tucked him under his blanket and then cuddled into your husband.

Another loud crash from outside startled you and Harry held you tighter and closer. He placed his finger under your chin so you were looking at him. He brought his lips to yours and you smiled as he deepened the kiss. You pulled away after another thunderous roar made it's way through the house and you were sure you could hear small feet running along the hardwood floors of the hallways. You looked over at the door frame and could see the light peeking under the door and you knew Emilia had woken up and was on her way to your room.

Your suspicions were confirmed when your bedroom door was pushed opened and a small body propelled towards your bed, jumping up and into her father's arms. His arms wrapped around the small girl and you leaned into his side to try and offer her some comfort too. "There's a big, bad, mean noise in my room. It's scary, Daddy. Mumma, I think it's the monster under my bed," she whispered and you smiled, pressing a kiss to her soft forehead, pushing her dark hair away from face.

"It's just the thunder outside, Little Bird," Harry whispered just as another crack of thunder echoed throughout the room. "Don't be scared. It's just the weather, and it's outside, you're safe inside," he whispered placing a kiss to the top of her head. She nodded into his bare chest and he smiled.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked looking between you and Harry. You nodded and she shuffled out of Harry's arms and into the middle of you both, taking your hand that was towards the outside of the bed, and taking Harry's and joining them before setting them onto her belly, her hands covering your intertwined ones.

"I love you, Mumma," she whispered into the darkness of the room, only illuminated by the light from the hallway and the small lamp you kept on in your room so you could easily get to Mason during the night.

"I love you too, Pretty Eyes," you whispered back to her and you heard her chuckle.

"Why do you call me Pretty Eyes, Mumma?" She asked and you moved to lay on your side placing a kiss onto her temple.

"Because you have very, very pretty eyes just like Daddy," you answered her and she smiled. Harry looked over at you, smiling fondly at his two favourite girls before smiling over at his son who was cooing quietly in the bassinet while he was still sleeping.

"I love you too, Daddy," Emilia whispered and Harry's eyes lit up.

"I love you too, Little Bird," Harry whispered and you knew what question was coming next.

"Why do you call me Little Bird, Daddy?" You knew it.

"Because when you were a baby, about the same size as Mase, I used to sing a song to you when you were crying and it was called Little Bird. And it was the only song that would calm you down," he whispered and Emilia nodded, happy with that answer.

"Goodnight, Mumma. Goodnight, Daddy," she smiled. And soon, the thunder didn't even stir her, because she was fast asleep with you and Harry protecting her.

It was the lightening and the rain that scared her the next time, causing her to shake you and Harry awake once again.

"Mummy! Daddy! Those men with the cameras are taking pictures outside!" She said, panicking. You opened your eyes a little, sleep still clouding them and noticed her pointing at the window. The light flashing through the closed curtains, you smiled and pulled her closer to you.

"That's just the weather as well, Pretty Eyes. It's not the men with the cameras, it's the sky flashing, it usually comes with thunder. Face Daddy and look away from the window and go back to sleep, baby. You'll be safe, Daddy and I will protect you," she nodded before turning and cuddling into Harry, you cuddling into her and placing an arm over both of the other bodies in the bed.

Your four person family was perfect... For the moment anyway.

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