All About The Babies

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"Request for Harry: where my family and his family want us to have a baby and Harry really wants one by is too afraid to tell you and then u find out your pregnant thank you xx"

Babies. That's all you heard people asking you about these days. Babies. And although you definitely knew you wanted kids, and with Harry, you felt like you were both still getting to know each other, even though you had been husband and wife for a little over a year.

"Hi mum," you heard Harry smile into his mobile phone that he just answered. You excused yourself into the kitchen to put the two dirty cups you and Harry had just had coffee in, into the dishwasher. Just as you were about to go back into the living room you stopped, deciding eavesdropping wouldn't hurt. After all, he was your husband.

You had been feeling off all week and you weren't sure what was wrong. Your boobs hurt and your emotions were all over the place. "Mum, stop. We'll talk about it when we're ready to talk about it," you heard Anne say something on the other line and then Harry sighed. "Yes I do, mum. I just don't know if we're ready as a newlywed couple to bring a new human into the world. I feel like we just got married yesterday, I'm still getting used to the tingling in my stomach when I call her my wife," you could hear the smile in his voice, but you knew he wanted to be a father. Real bad. He tried to hide it from you but you knew it, and you wished he knew you wanted to be a mother, but he didn't, and you didn't know how to bring it up.

Your phone ringing in the living room caught you off guard and brought you out of your thoughts as you walked in to where Harry was laying on the sofa, and picked it up, not failing to notice it was your mum. You ran a hand through Harry's hair before leaving the room, and answering your phone call. "Hi mum."

"Hello, my grandchild bearer. How are we doing on the baby making front?" She asked happily into the phone.

You scrunched your face up in disgust. "Mum, you asking about my sex life is not normal. Neither am I pregnant, so you may need to hope and pray some more," you said and she sighed on the other end of the phone.

You heard her move before starting the spiel she gave you every time she called. "Anne wants grandkids too, my love. And you're not getting any younger if you want more than one child. And your husband wants babies more than anything, Anne was telling me how he can't wait to have kids with you but he's scared to tell you," she tried to guilt you in to it every time she was on the phone. And it always seemed to work, because you always felt bad about things after phone calls.

"Mum, listen. I know you want grandkids, I know Anne wants grandkids. I know Harry wants kids, but do you ever think about what I want? Yes, I love kids, and yes, I want them, but can you just let me do it in my own time. Everyone's rushing me to have kids and it's stressing me out and we literally just go married and hell- I don't know what I want, mum. Listen, I have to go ok? I'll call you tomorrow. I love you," you said and hung up. You just blew up on your mum, the woman who love you unconditionally and you felt terrible. But maybe now she would understand how you felt.

"Babe?" You jumped and turned around to find Harry leaning against the kitchen island. How long had he been standing there? "I'm just going to head out to get a few things for dinner tonight, do you need anything?" You thought about it and then shook your head. "Did I tell you how fucking good you look in my clothes?" Harry smirked as he walked closer to you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, his white shirt rising to just below your bum.

"Ow, my boobs hurt. On second thought, could you bring me tampons? I think my periods coming," you said and he nodded.

"Anything for my wonderful, beautiful wife," he smiled over at you and you chuckled. He kissed you deeply before pulling away. "How about, you go upstairs and pick out your favourite bubble bar, run a hot bubble bath, relax and when I get home, I'll come join you. I'll only be 15 minutes," you nodded and kissed him once again before he left, and you made your way up to the master bathroom.

You looked through the cupboards trying to find the coconut bubble bar that was your favourite, but instead something else caught your eye, and you felt like you were going to throw up, and you did. The panic and terrifying feeling not easing up any once you did. You opened up the drawer and took the tests out, before deciding if your suspicions were confirmed, it wouldn't be the worst thing.

You finished what you needed to do, and placed the two sticks onto a piece of toilet tissue, while you waited. You found the bubble bar at the back of your cabinet and ran the bubble bath, before returning to the tests and looking down.

3+ weeks

You looked to the other one and seen the same.

3+ weeks

A tear feel from your eye as a hand dropped to your belly and rubbed softly. You couldn't believe it, you were pregnant. But now everything made sense, the mood swings, the cravings for mango, and the sore, sensitive boobs.

Harry. How would you tell him? You decided it would be best just to get him off guard. Maybe just after he had slipped into the bath behind you, which was what he was doing 10 minutes after you found out your body was now a home for 7-8 months, give or take, to a new human.

"Hmm, coconut. Our favourite," he hummed and you nodded in agreement before leaning back against his bare chest.

"So, I think our parents are going to be extremely happy," you whispered and his eyebrows furrowed, questioning why they would be happy. "You know what your mum was talking to you about today on the phone? I'm sorry I eavesdropped but, I guess everyone's getting what they wanted," you smiled and he clicked, turning your head round to gauge his reaction, his hands falling to your stomach.

You nodded and his face lit up. "Is it what you want?" He asked, the biggest smile on his face since he seen you walk down the aisle on your wedding day. You nodded.

"It is. Especially with you."

"I'm so happy Mrs. Styles. We need to book an appointment with your OB/GYN and the Ultrasound Technician and book a dating scan, oh love, I'm so excited," he rambled and you quietened him with a soft, loving kiss to his mouth.

"Me too, Mister. I love you, Daddy," you emphasized that he was going to be a father and he shook his head, unbelievably.

"I love you too, Mummy. Oh my goodness, we're going to be parents!"

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