How? How? How?

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"hey love, could you make one where harry and the missus are telling the kids how they met ? xx"

It was Saturday night, which mean cuddles were on the agenda for you, your husband and your four kiddies. With only giving birth 3 months ago, your three oldest kids were still getting used to the fact that there was someone who needed yours and Harry's attention more than them, but they were slowly getting used to it.

"Mumma?" You second littlest baby, Ella who was 2, said sweetly, as she cuddled into your right side on this particularly rainy Saturday night whilst you breastfed Micah, one of your arms around each children.

"Yes, Snuggles?" You said, looking down at your babies in your arm before looking to Harry who was sitting beside you with 7 year old Emilia in his left arm and 4 year old Mason in his right, and smiling at the people you loved around you.

"How did you and Daddy meet?" She asked and you smiled, looking over at Harry and connecting gazes before smiling lovingly at one another. The first time you ever met him, you were in yours and Gemma's shared flat, when Harry decided to pop in and visit his older sister. But after Sophia set you up with him, you felt like meeting him in that frame of mind, was a whole different meaning, so you felt like you had met him for the first time, twice. And you both knew that it didn't make any sense, but during one of your 2am conversations before any kids and before you were even married, you both agreed with each other in that you had met for the first time, two times.

"Well, officially we met each other when Auntie Gem and Mummy shared a flat when they were in University. And one day Daddy was home from tour and was down in Sheffield and decided to visit Auntie Gem, and she introduced me to Mummy. We became friends that night, but after that night we didn't see each other for a long time because Daddy was on tour," Harry said, rubbing your shoulder, smiling as he noticed Micah unlatch and close his eyes sleepily and full up. You fixed your nursing bra and nursing top before placing your arm back around Ella.

"After a while we stopped texting though, and we ended up not talking at all for a few months, until one night Aunt Sophia asked me to go out for dinner so I agreed, and Uncle Li asked Daddy to go for dinner, and he said he's too. And when we arrived to dinner, there was a table set for two and it was just us two, so Uncle Li and Auntie Soph set us up and we class that as meeting for the first time too. But that time we continued talking. And after a few weeks Daddy asked me to go on a date with him, and it started from there," you smiled looking over at Harry, smiling fondly.

You couldn't believe you had been blessed with such a caring, loving, amazing, gorgeous man. You swore that it was all a dream and you would wake up soon, but every time you woke up, Harry was cuddled beside you, and you couldn't wish for anything else to wake up to. Because in the mornings, when he's in that state between being awake and falling back asleep, he'll mumble a 'good morning' and then press a soft kiss and then mumble how in love he is with you, that was your favourite time with him. When you knew he was telling the truth about loving you until he dies.

"Daddy?" Mason asked Harry and your husband looked down at his son. "Where did you take Mummy for your first date?" You smiled over to Harry and he smiled back.

"I took her out for dinner, and then we went back to Daddy's house at the time and we had a couple of glasses of wine and talked. Our second date was a candlelit picnic in my back yard and then we made vanilla cupcakes with vanilla icing and that turned into a food fight. Our third date was probably my favourite, we lay in my bed, watched a movie, ordered pizza, and snuggled. And then your Mummy decided the didn't like BBQ Chicken pizza I ordered," Harry said, smirking over at you. You sighed since you knew what was coming.

"But BBQ Chicken is your favourite, Mummy," Emilia cut in and you nodded.

"I tried it that night after fighting with your Daddy that I didn't like it and I ended up loving it. So your Dad likes to tease me about that," you said, chuckling as you noticed Ella was nodding off on your chest. "I'm going to take this little miss up to bed, and put this little mister into his crib. Harry nodded and you kissed Emilia and Mason's head. "It's your bedtimes too. Get our kids to bed, Mister," you said to Harry and he nodded, while smiling, admiring the 3 month old in your arm, your other arm holding the two year old that was now out for the count.

"Of course, Missus. You get our other kids to bed now," you laughed before going upstairs, taking Ella into her bedroom and laying her down in her bed, tucking her in one handedly and leaned down to kiss her forehead. You could hear chuckled coming from downstairs and your bets went on Harry tickling the kids trying to coax them up to their bedrooms.

You took Micah into his nursery, turning on his mobile over the crib that played twinkle twinkle, before turning on the baby monitor and nightlight and closing the door a little.

Once you pulled off your leggings and shirt, you placed your clothes into the hamper before climbing onto the bed. Deciding you would be warm enough you didn't bother covering yourself and you waited for your husband to come join you.

20 minutes later, he came through the door, already pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it to the hamper, and pulling off his Nike shorts a few minutes after that before walking to the bed, and cuddling up behind you.

"All that reminiscing made me thing just how lucky I am to have you," he whispered and you chuckled, taking your intertwined hands and kissing his.

"Are you kidding, mister? I'm the lucky one," you whispered and he shook his head.

"We're both lucky then, missus. We were blessed with each other," he whispered before pulling you in closer and pressing a soft, wet kiss onto your shoulder making you chuckle.

"Are you trying to turn me on, Styles?" You asked as you felt him harden against your back.

"I don't know, am I?"

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