Nervous Introductions (Part Two)

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Hello! Sorry I've been MIA the past month... I literally have no excuse. Anyway, here's a part two of one of my favourite parts I've written bc Harry fluff is my thing. Ok, bye👋🏽

Harry and Oli had been getting on like a house on fire. And Oli immediately accepted the fact that you and Harry were dating as soon as you told him. That was almost a year ago now, and everything was even better than it was then.

"Oli, come say bye to Harry," you shouted to where he was eating his scrambled egg and bacon, courtesy of his 'favourite person' who was now currently leaving to go and record with the band.

"Bye, Harry. Are you coming back tonight because we could play Lego if you are. Mumma doesn't like it," you smiled at Harry who y back at Oli who was smiling sweetly right back at him.

Harry nodded. "I'll be back tonight, now go finish eating your eggs and bacon before they go cold. See you later on, buddy," he smiled, ruffling Oli's hair as he ran back on through to the dining room.
You slipped your arms around Harry's neck as he slipped his around your waist, gently resting his hands on your bum. "Mmm," you moaned as Harry pressed his lips to yours. "You're so good with him," Harry smiled at your words.

"You're the best mum he could ever ask for," you chuckled but Harry shook his head. "No, don't play it off like it was nothing, babe. It couldn't have been easy going through the pregnancy and labour alone, never mind raising a tiny human, but you did it. It'd have been so easy for you to give up and choose the adoption route, but you didn't. And you stuck with it, and I'm so, so proud of you. Oli is a great kid, and you've helped him so grow in the past year that I've known you and I'm so proud to call you my girlfriend," you smiled, and nodded at him. Whispering a tiny 'thanks' as he nodded, kissed you once more, and left you with a smile on your face.


Oli was currently in his bedroom playing some children aimed game on the iPad while you were in the bathroom running his bath. He had been pretty stroppy over the duration of the day, and you suspected it was because he had stayed up past his usual bedtime last night because he wanted to watch the Man U game that Harry had been talking about all day.

"Oli, bub! Bath's ready," you shouted over the little bit of cold water too cool the water down. You turned thr water off and heard him come toddling into the bathroom and when he finally appeared, there was a frown on his face. "What's up, Ols? You love bath time," you asked confused.

He sighed and looked up at you. "Harry said we could watch Finding Nemo before bath time," he said sadly. "He said he would help you bath me tonight as well," you sighed and sat on the edge of the bath with your arms out. He walked over and climbed into your lap so you could press a kiss to his head.

"Harry's a really busy person, ok? I know that you want to spend lots of time with him, but lots and lots of people want to spend time with him too, and we can't be greedy, can we?" He shook his head. "How about we get you bathed, and then we can bake cookies together when you're done, yeah?" He nodded into your chest and you smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "You get into the bath, wash yourself and I'll go get everything ready for cupcakes. Then I'll come back and wash your hair. I'll be a minute, bub."

Just as you pulled the pre made cookie dough out and placed it onto the worktop, your front door opened and you stood up from your crouched position and peeked your head through to see Harry kicking his boots off carelessly. "In the kitchen," you said softly, and heard his sock clad feet make their way closer and closer to you. "Good day?" You asked as he placed a kiss onto your cheek.

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