LA Love

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"Love your writing! Can you please do one where the missus and Harry are fighting because he always travels to LA but makeup in the end."

You were sitting in your London home with a 3 year old Emilia, tucked up in bed and a 3 month old Mason curled up on your chest waiting for Harry to come home. He had been in LA for the past 2 weeks after finishing tour. You didn't mind him going to wind down seeing as when he came home he'd be in full swing- playing with Emilia and helping you with the night changes for Mason. But when it rolled around to 10:30pm, you knew he wasn't coming home... So you climbed upstairs to Mason's nursery, placing him into his crib, and then climbed into your empty bed where you would be sleeping alone for another night.

You grabbed your phone before going to sleep and sent him a quick text: Was waiting for you coming home, but I guess you extended your stay? And you went to sleep. He didn't answer until the following morning, and it was a; Sorry baby! I completely forgot to text you. I'll be home Saturday at the latest. Jeff and Glenne tried to convince me to get on the flight last night but I knew you'd be ok with it! Give my babies a kiss from Daddy. I love you .xx

All Emilia asked was when her Daddy would be home, and you couldn't answer it, so you just promised her it would be soon. When Saturday rolled around you were expecting a call to tell you that he didn't get on the flight and he was extending his stay again and he'd be home the following week, but instead you were greeted with a "Daddy's home" at 6:53pm on Saturday night.

Emilia jumped up from her spot on the sofa beside you were you were burping Mason and ran to the door. "Hi princess. Oh Daddy missed you so, so much!" You stood up, placing a hand underneath the three month old's bum, using your other hand to rub his back. When you walked into the hall you seen Emilia in her father's arms and he was peppering kisses all over her face. He placed her down once he seen his other baby in your arms. He went to place a kiss on your lips, but you turned your face so he would hit your cheek.

"Hi," you said before giving him Mason, and going into the kitchen, throwing the burp cloth onto the worktop, before heating up some leftovers you had from dinner.

"Oh hello my handsome little man. Aren't you both just the most beautiful people in the world. My two babies," you smiled as you heard him cooing over his two kids, before the microwave pinged and you took out the plate, taking it into the dining room, setting it at Harry's place.

"Here, you eat and I'll take him up to his nursery," you said, reaching your hands out for Mason. Harry placed a kiss onto his head that was full off light hair before handing him to you. You started to make your way upstairs to place a happy, full up, sleeping Mason into his crib.

"Are you so happy that daddy's home? Huh? You've missed Daddy haven't you?" You cooed and Mason blew a bubble from his mouth making you chuckle. You pressed a kiss onto his forehead, before turning on his small nightlight and then making your way downstairs. "Ok baby girl. It's bedtime, say goodnight to Daddy," you said to Emilia and she skipped into the living room, jumping onto the sofa where Harry was now situated after finishing his dinner.

"Goodnight, Sweet Girl. I love you," Emilia smiled and whispered something into his ear, making him smile like an idiot before coming over to you and taking your hand.

"Mummy? Why aren't you talking to Daddy?" Emilia asked as you sat beside her bed, after just finishing her bedtime story.

"I am talking to him, Sweetie. Just you get to sleep. I love you," you whispered before her heavy eyes won, and she closed them. You went into your bedroom, changing into a little black spaghetti strap shirt before pulling off your jeans and climbing into bed, pulling out the book you had been reading lately.

An hour or so passed by when Harry came upstairs, barging his way into the bedroom. "Ok, what have I done? You've hardly said 10 words to me since I've gotten home," he asked standing on the spot at the bottom of the bed.

You sat up and scoffed at him. "Are you seriously kidding me right now? You're asking what you've done?" You looked at him and he nodded, waiting for you to tell him. "You seen the kids once during the tour, and I totally understand you wanting to go to LA to spend some time after the tour because being here isn't relaxing, but when you extend your two week vacation after tour away from this family, that becomes a problem. I was expecting you home Harry, and you didn't even inform me of your plans until I text you! We're married, and we have two kids together! One of whom misses you dearly when your gone, and when I tell her that you'll be home that day and then have to change the story and tell her that you got busy and you can't make it. I have to be the one to tell her that! I'm the one who sees her little face fall, and her lip start to tremble and hear her say 'it's ok, mummy. I'll see him soon.' How do you think that feels? You always seem to jet off to LA at the worst possible times, and I get your life can be a lot. I get that! But so can living with a newborn and a 3 year old! It's hard, it's so hard and I needed you here these past 2 weeks. And you were in LA partying, and sometimes I just feel like this family comes second in your life. And I know that's not true, but I can't help but think it." You had said all you wanted to say, and you hoped he would apologize and climb into bed and you could cuddle together, but as you seen his face get angrier, you knew that wouldn't be the case.

"What? You want me to quit the band? Are you seriously putting this on me right now? For fuck sake, Y/N! I'm just home and you're on my back already. Give me a break. You always promised you wouldn't make me choose between you and the band and it seems like that's what you're doing right now! Fuck! I- I can't do this right now. I'll sleep on the sofa," he had shouted at you. Something you never thought he would do. He marched out of the room. Tears fell down your cheeks as you tried to stop them, but you couldn't. Mason started to cry at that moment and Emilia was shouting 'mummy' from her bedroom.

You stood up wiping your face, trying to be strong for your kids and walked into Mason's nursery, cradling him to your chest, him quietening down a little before going into Emilia's room, seeing her sitting up in her bed, her bottom lip quivering.

"Hey pretty girl, what's gotten you down?" You asked as you sat on the side of her bed, still rocking Mason.

"Daddy was shouting, Mummy. And he was saying bad words. I got scared. Does Daddy not love us anymore? Is he going to go somewhere else? I don't want him to go," she whimpered and your heart broke for the worried three year old girl.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. Daddy will always love us. And he'll never leave us, he might go on tour with your uncles for months at a time, but he'll always come back. He's not going anywhere. Sometimes mummies and daddies fight, but they always say sorry and make up. Don't you worry your pretty little head. Your Daddy might be a pain in the bum but he's my pain in the bum, and I love him lots and lots," you assured her and she nodded before looking up at the doorframe, and smiling shyly.

You followed her gaze and seen Harry wiping a tear away from his cheek. "Hey Princess, let's stop these tears, huh?" He said before coming to kneel in front of you. "I'm sorry," he whispered to you and you nodded.

"Me too," you whispered back and looked to Emilia to see her smiling widely.

"I don't like when Mummy and Daddy fight," Emilia said quietly and Harry nodded in agreement.

"Me either, Princess. Me either," Harry whispered.


harrystyles Woke up with this beauty this morning and I never want to leave again. How hot is my wife? I'm a lucky guy.

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