Chapter 57: Kissed By Ollie

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2 Years Later:

          After breaking up as soon as they arrived home, Chris and Kendall go their separate ways. Now, two years later, Kendall has recently broken away from her interior design job to start her own business which has turned very successful. A few months after calling it quits with Chris, she met a man named Russ. But, for the last two years, the relationship has been complicated. Kendall continues to hold on and fight for the relationship since Russ is the father of her two-year-old daughter Addison and her unborn son that she just found out she's a few months pregnant for. Russ comes and goes often.

          Russ and Kendall moved to the other side of town to a bigger house for the kids, she hasn't seen Chris in two years.

           Kendall is back in town, visiting her parents and then stopping in the park so Addison can play. She sits on the bench, taking a break as she watches her daughter. Addison becoming an expert at walking and always on the run. She looks overseeing a chocolate lab running towards their direction.

           "Addi! Addison come here!" Kendall shouts as she runs to her.

           Fearless Addison giggles, petting the loving dog.

           "Ollie come on man!" she hears a guy yell, running up to them. The man grabs his collar, the metal clinking as he fastens the leash and collar together. "I'm so sorry about that, I hope I..." he looks up. "Kendall?"

           "Ollie mommy, his name is Ollie," Addison says to her mom in her two-year-old jumbled talk.

           "Chris? Oh my gosh," Kendal smiles, shocked.

           "Hey," Chris smiles. "How are you?" Chris asks, looking down noticing she is pregnant. "Oh, congratulations."

          Kendall smiles, sliding a hand on her stomach, "well besides chasing after this little mess and being pregnant, I'm doing pretty good and thank you. How have you been? Cute dog."

          "I'm okay," Chris smiles, looking down at his dog and Addison. Ollie is sitting down, Addison petting him. He licks her hand and face—Addison erupting in giggles.

          "Addison this is friend Chris, say hi," Kendall says to her daughter.

           "Hi," she giggles.

          "Hi," Chris smiles at her. "I hope my crazy dog didn't scare you," Chris kneels to her eye level.

          "No he's not crazy, he's nice," Addison smiles, kissing Ollie's nose.

          "Addi," Kendall laughs.

          "He's a good dog. He seems to really like you," Chris suggests, petting the top of his dog's head. Ollie licks her face again, his tail wagging a mile a minute.

           "Good dog," Addison smiles.

           "He's a good dog. He must be around kids a lot," Kendall says trying to figure out where he is at in life; if he has a wife or kids.

          "He likes all kinds of people. He's an attention seeker which I give him all the time. He's taken over my house," Chris laughs.

           "I guess he does like attention if he ran away from you all the way up here."

           "Yeah, he gets me in trouble," Chris laughs.

          "You're going to get in trouble with me because now all I'm going to hear is how much she wants a puppy," Kendall teases.

           "I'll get her a puppy," Chris winks. "So boy or girl?" nodding to her stomach.

          "You get her a puppy, and you'll find yourself with two puppies real fast," Kendall laughs. "I have enough on my hands already, but I'm having a boy."

           "Well like I said congrats. I better get back home. I have a date tonight."

           A twinge of jealousy overcomes her, "That's great, I hope you have a great time," Kendall smiles. "Addison it's time to go."

          "Bye Ollie," the little girl smiles kissing the dog's nose. "When can we see him again?"

          "I'm usually here every Sunday afternoon. You can see him then if your mom doesn't mind," Chris smiles.

          "Please mommy," Addison looks up at Kendall.

          "We will try," Kendall smiles, Addison going back to say bye to Ollie. "It was really good seeing you again Chris."

          "It was good to see you too," Chris nods, leaning down and kissing Kendall's cheek.

          "Say goodbye to Mr. Chris," Kendall smiles and squeezes her daughter's hand.

           "Bye Mr. Chris," Addison says.

           "Bye Addison," Chris walks at her as the daughter and mother pair walk away. Ollie barking his goodbyes. Chris can't get over her being pregnant. 

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