Chapter 14: Lunch Date

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          The next morning Chris is getting ready for work after a tense night before with Kelsey. He's in the bathroom, getting ready, his phone dinging.

          "Clear your appointments we are really doing lunch today pleasseeeee," the text reads from Kendall.

          "Where are you going?" Kelsey asks stepping out of the shower.

          "I'm going to work," sliding his phone in his pocket.  

          "Well, I guess I'll see you at dinner or are you going out?"

          "No, I'll be home. What are you doing today?" Chris asks, watching her walk away and getting dressed up.

          "I'm going into the office. I have meetings," Kelsey says trying to sound professional like she goes in every day.

         Chris texts back, "yeah sounds fine with me :)" leaving and heading to work.

         "Great I'll be at your office at 12," Kendall texts back.

          Kendall walks into Chris's office a little early—still with one of his patients. Kendall gives him a small wave and sits down.

         He winks at Kendall, finishing up with an elderly man as Chris walks the man to the lobby. After the old man makes his next appointment, Chris walks to his office and takes off his jacket.

          "This is pretty fancy sitting back here, no wonder you don't want to leave it," Kendall smiles from behind Chris's desk. "I feel like all your patients are about to kick the bucket," Kendall laughs.

          "Stop," Chris smiles. "What are you in the mood for? I'm starving."

          "I'm teasing," Kendall laughs. "What about that new place that opened up a couple of blocks from here? I think it's called Mangrove? It's fancy, but we have dressed the part today," Kendall laughs as she grabs her purse.

          "We can do that. My car or yours?" Chris asks as they walk out, locking up the office.

          "We can do mine," Kendall grabbing her keys. Chris tells his receptionist he is going on lunch break.

          Pulling up to Mangrove about ten minutes later, they get a table and order a drink and an appetizer, sitting on the deck—the Florida breeze in the air and the smell of the ocean.

         "You left last night fast...tired?"

          "I'm tired all the time," Chris laughs. "But no I had to get back to that retirement party."

          "Come on Chris you need to reign in house hours and have normal doctor office nine to five," Kendall teases. "I'm sure that was so much fun."

          "No, not really. She kept introducing me to people in her dad's company and the new marketing guy, but she doesn't understand I'm not changing my profession."

          Kendall nods, "Chris I don't think she is used to hearing no," she says as their food arrives at the table.

          He sighs taking a bite and eating, knowing there is truth to her statement.

          It's quiet for a bit while they eat, Kendall finally looking over at Chris, "So Alex asked me out last night."

          "Yeah I knew that was happening before it happened," Chris confesses.

          "Really? What did he ask for permission?" Kendall laughs.

          "Actually he did."

          Kendall stops mid drink, "wait seriously? Was he worried you'd not like it or something?"

        "I don't know," Chris shrugs, "but yeah he asked permission to make sure if I was okay with it. He wanted to know if he even had a chance."

          "Well thanks for allowing permission," Kendall teases.

          "Yep," Chris says, sipping his water.

          "So you don't mind me dating one of your best friends at all then?" Kendall asks.

          "Why wouldn't I?" Chris half smiles.

          "I don't know. I'd feel weird about it I guess."

          He smiles a little, not saying anything as he looks down at his food, taking a few bites.

           Kendall pulls out her phone and looking at the time before answering a text. "We should get going back. I have an appointment."

          Chris nods as he gets the bill, paying for it, and then they head back to Chris's practice.

          "Thanks for lunch," Kendall says as Chris gets out of her car.

          "You're welcome," Chris nods. He mentally kicks himself for not saying he doesn't like the fact that Kendall and Alex are going to go out. He goes back inside to wrap things up before heading home.

           Kendall heads back to work and meets with several people about redesigning homes and offices. She only responds to Alex's text about wanting to meet that night, going along with her day.

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