Chapter 41: Back To Normal

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          Through the course of the night, the two are regularly woken up by nurses checking on Kendall, one even giving Chris a blanket and pillow. A little half past nine in the morning the doctor comes in, speaking to Kendall about taking care of herself.

          "Make sure your girlfriend listens to me," she says to Chris.

          "Yes ma'am," Chris smiles, the doctor walking out.

           "Not funny," Kendall smirks, finally being able to move since being unhooked from all the fluid bags and needles. "I feel 100% better."

          Grabbing her clothes, handing them to her since she's still in the hospital gown, "do you want me to step out?"

          "Just close your eyes or turn around. It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before," Kendall laughs, taking the hospital gown off pulling on her clothes from the night before.

           "I'm hungry, are you hungry?" Chris asks her.

           "Starving," she smiles, loving how he always wants to take care of her. After signing out, they walk to the car hand in hand. "I guess I better call my mom and tell her what happened last night."

           "Yeah that would be a good idea," Chris smiles the pair getting into Kendall's car. Chris pulls out of the parking lot and heads downtown to one of the small family owned diners that sit along the beach—good food. While in the car, Kendall gets the second degree from her mother as she expresses to Kendall how freaked out and mad that Kendall didn't call the night before. She calms down a bit still mad at Kendall but thanking the Lord that Chris was there. They hang up a few minutes later.

          "My mom thinks you are the best person in the whole world," Kendall smiles as Chris pulls into the diner parking lot.

           "Because I am," Chris winks at her.

           "Oh my gosh, I haven't been here in ages," Kendall smiles, getting out of the car, the breeze coming off the water, blowing Kendall's hair around.

          Chris winks at her, sliding his hand on the small of her back as they walk in, getting a table. They both look over the menu, the waitress setting down a coffee mug and filling it in front of Chris, the dark steaming liquid filling up the cup, water, and juice in front of Kendall. They order their food.

           "You scared the shit out of me," Chris says taking a sip of his coffee.

            "I'm sorry Chris. I don't know I was trying to be strong through the whole thing, but I was so scared too. I thought I lost our baby," Kendall says, barely a whisper.

          "Well, she's perfectly healthy and fine. You just need to take better care of yourself."

          "I know I'm glad she's okay. I thought I was taking good care of myself, but I guess I really need to relook everything."

           "As the doctor said, make sure you listen to me," Chris winks.

          "She said for my boyfriend to do that," Kendall teases. "Chris I know I wanted to take things slow, but I'm not so sure anymore," running a hand through her hair.

          "What do you mean?"

           "I kind of want to pick up right where we left off—if you want to I mean," Kendall smiles.

          "Like be together."  

          "Well, some people call it that," blushing a bit, "yes exactly that."

           "Yeah, I'd love that."

           "Good because I hated being away from you," Kendall smiles eating her breakfast.

          "I know I'm pretty awesome."

          "Don't let it get to your head too much but you are sometimes awesome."

          The waitress brings the check.

          "You wanna get this or me? Since you complain that I play all the time," Chris winks.

          "It's my turn, and I owe you from everything you did last night," Kendall smiles pulling out her wallet.

          "Well this will be the last time you pay by the way," Chris informs.

          "I might let you think that, but it's whoever gets the bill first."

          Chris smiles as Kendall pays, they walk out. After getting in the car, Chris takes her back to his place.

          "So do you have to get to work or do I have the day with you?" Kendall smiles holding onto Chris's hand as he drives.

          "I took the day off, my clients understood."

           "I don't know that old lady...what's her name? I think her highlight of the week is seeing you," Kendall laughs.

          "Oh, Shirley yeah she loves me. She's informed me if she was forty years younger she would give me a shot."

          "Uh oh, I got some competition huh? I'm glad she's older then," Kendall smiles.

          "She's married anyway, three kids, seven grandkids and one great-grandchild."

          "And that stops people these days?" Kendall winks, the baby kicking. "Well she's definitely feeling good after that meal," Kendall laughs and running her hand over her belly. "I can't wait for her to be here. She is going to be a great basketball player like her momma and beat her daddy. I feel like I can't do any more fun things until she's here."

          "Well you are pregnant," Chris smiles, making their way back.

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