Chapter 1: Not So Welcome Home

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          Kendall Miller and Chris Hamilton have known each other since diapers, well since they remember. They have always been friends and just that even though they playfully flirted here and there. After high school, Kendall and Chris went their separate ways and attended different colleges but stayed in touch until Chris started dating his current girlfriend, Kelsey Hill.

          Chris and Kelsey started dating, having no idea that Kendall and Kelsey despise each other. The two lost contact because Kelsey didn't like that Chris was talking to Kendall so much and of course Kendall was mad Chris started dating her in the first place. He was devastated when he and his best friend lost contact, Kendall changing her number and didn't tell Chris where she moved.

          Now, three years later Kendall has moved back home to Sarasota, Florida. Hearing from a mutual friend of Chris and Kendall's, she is invited to a little get together that evening, not knowing her longtime crush is going to be there with his girl.

          Chris and Kelsey are already making themselves cozy at the party, the pair talking to friends, Kelsey, a touchy-feely person. She is always showing PDA, even though sometimes Chris doesn't like how showy she is. Kelsey is too busy distracting Chris for both to realize another person has entered the house.

          Kendall arrives at the party a little later clad in a casual dress, fitting her body perfectly and showing just the right amount of cleavage—her hair is a little longer now, in soft curls. As soon as she steps foot into the house, it's a blast from the past, and she immediately gets swept up talking with old friends. A few people ask if she's at the party with Chris, but she explains they haven't spoken in years.

          She walks over and gets herself a Bud Light in a red solo cup and goes back to talking with some friends. After talking for a while, she looks overseeing Chris, wearing jeans, a black v-neck shirt and a hat backward.

          "Chris Hamilton," Kendall says putting her hands on her hips. "Where have you been all my life?"

          Chris turns when he hears his name, he has to do a double take. "Kendall?" Chris smiles and walks over. "How are you?" leaning down and hugging her.

          "I'm doing well. I just moved back home," Kendall says stepping back to look over him. "Wow you look great, how are you? It's been a while."

         "I'm good, and yeah it's been a long time."

          "Well now that I'm back I'd love to catch up with you, you know like old times...beating you in basketball and things like that," Kendall teases.

         "I don't think that will be happening Kendall," Kelsey walks up, interrupting the pair as she slides her arm around Chris and the other hand on his chest. She gives Kendall a bitchy smile, letting Kendall know Chris is hers.

          "Oh come on Kelsey, it'll be good," Chris says, pulling her closer.

         Kendall rolls her eyes, "I should have known Kelsey, glad to see you  haven't changed."

         "Come on Kels," Kendall hears Chris say softly to Kelsey.

          "No, I'm not letting Kendall come back in town taking over and thinking she can have anything she wants," Kelsey says in front of Kendall.

         Kendall's eyes get a little big not believing Kelsey is already starting her crap. She shakes her head and smiles at Chris.

           "Anyway Chris, it was good seeing you. You have my number if you want to go catch up," not knowing he doesn't have her number, just her old one. She walks back into the crowd.

         "Really Kelsey? Can you be nice for one minute?"

         She looks at Chris annoyed, "No not with her. You know how I feel about her. She can't come back thinking you both are the best of friends again. It's not happening."

          "And why not?"

          Kelsey grips his shirt, "Chris I don't want you two to be friends. You already have your guy friends anyway," glaring at him a bit.

          Chris sighs, sliding his hand on Kelsey's lower back, leaning down and kissing her forehead. His other hand is holding his beer bottle.

         Looking up from time to time, Kelsey grabs Chris's face and pulls him down to kiss her, holding the kiss for a bit and then taking his hand, "Let's just have fun."

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