Chapter 45: Scary Welcome Home

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           Finally getting home a few days later, excited to be home and love on Kendall.

           "Babe?" he calls out, putting down his briefcase, duffel bag and jacket. He doesn't hear her, thinking she's more than likely asleep since her car is in the driveway. As he walks to the kitchen, a shrieking scream comes from his room—Kendall's voice.

            "Chris!" he hears her scream.

           Pivoting on his foot, he runs up the stairs—taking them two at a time. He bursts through the door. "What's wrong?" running over to her. "Kendall talk to me!" trying to help her sit up.

           "No I can't," Kendall cries out, tears running down her face. "Somethings wrong," some blood on the bed.

           Scrambling around the room, gathering clothes in a bag for Kendall, rushing back to her. "You have to get up babe," Chris says terrified. "I need to take you to the hospital."

           Kendall shakes her head, turning away from Chris and hiding her face. Crying more into the pillow.

           " you have to get up," sliding his arm around her, Kendall pushing him away.

           "Okay," she groans feeling a shooting pain.

           Picking her up and carrying her downstairs he gets her in the car, buckled up. He drives seventy all the way to the hospital, terrified. They pull up, nurses rushing out and whisking Kendall away—telling Chris he cannot go back.

           "That's my girlfriend, that's my baby you can't tell me I can't go back there!" Chris shouts, keeping him away.

            "I want my boyfriend!" Kendall cries out, disappearing behind the double doors.

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