Chapter 1-We Can't Stop

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Kira POV

"Bitch, pass the shit"

KJ finally passed the blunt to me and after I took a hit, I passed it to Kayla. KJ and I have been best friends since Pre-school and we met Kayla about a year ago and she's like my only girl best friend. KJ was kinda short and he was light-skinned and Kayla was tall and brown-skinned, like me.
I looked up and saw KJ with the bowl. It was full of pills. We usually only used it at our parties, but I guess KJ couldn't wait. We all picked three pills and gulped them down. It wasn't soon after that the effects came in and that was the moment I blacked out.

7 hours later
I woke up from my drug-induced state to find KJ's Apartment looking completely different than I remembered. It was covered in trash, empty bottles of beer, and Peach Vodka, and I saw some vomit in the corner. I looked beside me and saw KJ pass out. I lightly kicked him.

"Get up. You have to drive me home."
" I let Omar borrow my car. Yo house isn't that far, just walk."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse. I walked outside and immediately cursed myself out for wearing shorts and a tank top when it was 36 degrees outside. It was 8 pm and it was already dark outside, the only light coming from the dim street lights. I speed-walked down the road and decided to go through the park since my house was on the other side. I walked a little faster when I passed a guy on the bench who didn't look friendly.

"Damn Ma. Can't even speak."
I ignored him until he grabbed me. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but that only made him tighten his grip on me.

"Get off of me."
He moved his hand down to my ass.
"But I wanna play."
"She said let her go."
I looked past them, to see a guy wearing a suit. He was sexy, a mixture of David Beckham and Chad Murray, but with ocean-blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

"What are you going to do about it?"

The man who had me against him tossed me on the ground and lurched forward and knocked the guy down. The sexy guy flipped him over and began punching the guy over and over and it wasn't until he saw the guy bleeding that he stopped. He ran to me and helped me off the ground.

"Are you okay?"
I gave him an embarrassed smile and nodded. He touched my face.

"Your head's bleeding."
"It's fine."
I started to pull away, but he pulled me back to him.

"No, let me take you to my place to help you. please?"
I nodded, but only because I knew my sister would flip out if she saw me.

We got in his car and 10 minutes later, we arrived at his house. This is the biggest house I've ever seen. It was 2 stories. He took me to the house and it was so beautiful. He took my hand and we walked into the bathroom. He pulled out a first aid kit from the drawer. He sprayed something on the side of my head and I winced when it began to sting.

"It's fine."

He wiped it and bandaged it. He was putting away the first aid kit when I yawned.

"You can sleep over if you want."
"Thanks, umm.."
"Luke. Luke Strong."
"Kira Wilde"

He showed me to his room and it wasn't like the rest of the house. It was simple. It had two nightstands on the sides of a king-size bed and a desk in the corner covered in papers. Luke walked over to the closet and pulled out a T-shirt and sweatpants. He gave them to me and told me to put them on for bed. He turned around as I change. The T-shirt was so big on me that it went all the way down to my knees and the pants fell off of me.

"You can turn around now."
"Pants didn't fit?"

"Nope.", I said with a giggle.
He chuckled and walked towards the desk and grab the laptop.
"You can sleep in here tonight. I'll sleep on the couch."
"No, please stay."
"You sure? I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"It wouldn't."
"Ok, but I have to do a few things first. You can go ahead to bed if you want."

I got under the blankets and flipped the pillow to the cold side. The reason I wanted to stay in here with me was because I was scared. I know it's weird, but I haven't slept in a room by myself in years.

"So, what are you working on?"
"I have to check over a few ideas that were sent to me from potential inventors."
"So, that's all you do all day."
"Not exactly. I'm the CEO of Strong Invention Inc. I make sure the business is running smoothly and that people's inventions come to life."
"Oh. That sounds stressful."
"It is sometimes, but I wouldn't want it any other way."

I nodded and yawned.

"Go ahead to sleep, I'll go to sleep soon."

I slept for a few hours and woke up at 3 am to find Luke still up on his computer.

"Luke. Why are you still up?", I said while yawning.
"Working.", he mumbled.
"Please go to sleep, Luke."
"Kira, I-."

He put away his laptop and changed into some slacks and got in bed.
"Luke, why did you save me?"
"Because you needed to be saved. You didn't deserve that."
"What if they come after me?
"They won't. I'll make sure of it."

I smiled at him. I felt safe here, but I knew I had to leave soon. He dozed off soon after. I crept off the bed and grabbed my shorts. I went over to his desk and got a piece of paper and a pen.

         Luke, thank you for everything. For saving me and letting me stay in your home. I don't want to be a burden. Goodbye.

I left the note on the pillow and called a cab to take me home. Once I got home, I went straight to bed.

Luke POV

I woke up to the sound of a car honking. I got up and looked out the window and saw Kira getting into the cab. Why did she leave? Why did I feel so...sad that she left? I turned around and saw a piece of paper on the pillow, so I picked it up and read what was on it. She wasn't a burden to me. I was happy that she was here. I looked in the corner and saw that she left her tank top and wallet. I looked in her wallet and saw that she only had $12 in it, so I put $100 in it. I found her ID and found her address. I told my Butler, Niles, to drop it off at about 9 am. I pulled out my laptop to finish my work. For some reason I couldn't focus on my work, I kept thinking about Kira. There was just something about her.

Kira and Luke✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя