Biting Temptation

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falleninfinitybooks made the cover <3 luv u

Hope you all enjoy ;)



It was hard to think clearly about the future when the present was so horribly unpredictable.

I didn't know whether I'd live past tomorrow. I didn't know whether circumstances will change today and I won't live past this evening. Everything was too unpredictable.

The future wasn't set in stone. But there was one part I knew that was. One part I wouldn't give up for the world. Not a soul dead or alive could change that. 

Since September 2011, it would be right to say that my life had changed... considerably. It may have started when I met the charming, handsome and inhumanly beautiful man I'm now lucky enough to call my boyfriend. It may have started the day I offered to drive him home and was forced off the road by a being I thought to be unreal. There were too many incidents to consider the beginning.

I suppose right now it didn't really matter. What happened in the past happened. I couldn't exactly say I wouldn't change anything because that would be a horrible lie.


I closed my eyes and exhaled sharply. If I could be anywhere at this moment, I'd want to be lying on a white sanded beach under the sun in the Caribbean with, ironically enough, my vampire boyfriend. Forty-eight hours would satisfy me immensely. Forty-eight hours of no worries, no sadistic vengeful vampires, no thoughts just me and him. Together.


I could see it now... We'd have our own private quarters maybe even a section only we could go.

I jumped slightly when a large tanned palm rested against my forearm. I smiled sheepishly at him. "I'm sorry Micah; I was in my own world."

He sent me a sad smile before adjusting his sunglasses over his eyes and sighing. "You must be tired."

"How can you tell?"

Micah's smile never failed to brighten my mood. "Being blind opens my eyes to the strangest of things."

"I bet it does." I chuckled. "Do you need any help getting home?"

"No, I'm fine." He stood from his seat opposite me in the dining room. "Michael will be home soon won't he?"

"Yeah, half hour at the most." I said as I led him through the living room to the hallway. I glanced out the window to see Micah's driver waiting beside the passenger door. "Your ride's here." I gave him a hug and waved to Jeffrey before shutting the door.

My mind wandered back to my pipe dream. The image of Michael and me lying on the beach disintegrated into nothing as I made my way back into the living room. Reality was never something I could come back to so easily. With several friends being witches and another load being vampires it was hard for me to think about what was right and what was wrong. It was harder two and a half years ago. Way harder. I shook my head at the thought of my naive eighteen year old self wrapping her head around the possibility of supernatural creatures walking the earth as humans do.

A ringing sound echoed throughout the house; the landline. Meaning... "Hello, John."

"Hey." He replied immediately. "How's everything?"

"Since you called yesterday? Pretty good." I smiled but then frowned at his silence. "Is everything okay in New York? How's Amy?"

There was another moment of silence before he sighed. "Everything's fine. She's doing better than the last few days. She's eating properly."

Biting TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now