Betrayed and repalced

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I chase Niall out of the pool and into the kitchen. "HELLLP SHE WILL KILL ME THEN EAT ME!" He screams running around the island. I stop suddenly cocking my head to the side looking at him. "I don't like chicken" I yell making him stop at look at me. "You better run Sarah" he growls before sprinting to me. I stood still not letting him see me freak. "You don't scare me blondie" I smile at him and I start walking away. I walk back outside and I see Jessie and Harry getting 'COMFY' Am I jealous of them right now? Nahh. But I am, then do something about it. I turn back into the house and I grab Amanda's new swimming suit. The floral bikini top and surfer bottoms fit perfectly and looks amazing. I smile at my reflection before returning back outside where everyone was. I sat beside Zayn who is drinking, "Hey Sarah" he smiles. "Hi Zaynie" I smile back. "Who wants to play football?" I shout getting everyone to look at me. "I do" the boys yell in unison. "Liam, Niall and I against Zayn, Louis and Harold" I say grabbing the soccer ball from the ground. "We are bare" Harry says taking off his shirt. Oh that's how you want to play it. ok. I stand over the ball sticking out my butt a little making myself look like a duck. "No swearing or shirt ripping" Amanda sterns. Zayn and I nod. She throws the ball in the air and I hit it off my chest. I kick the ball to Niall and he takes it to the goal. Someone twirls me in the air. "Playing hard to get I see" Harry whispers in my ear. "well you are losing Mr.Styles" I laugh as I wiggle out of his grasp. I high five Niall and Liam as we wait for the ball "WE WON" I yell hugging Liam and Niall. "WOOHOOO" I start doing the robot while Niall does an Irish dance. "You the losas we the winnas" I sing dance around Zayn, Lou, and Harry. "By one point" Zayn whines. "One point that I made" I rub in. I dance over to the pool and I jump in letting the cool water help my sweaty body cool down. I rise to the surface hearing other splashes. Harry and Liam jumped in. "Good game not kiss the loser" Harry puckers his lips and leans in. "Why don't you tell Jessie that" I whisper making his eyes open. I climb out of the pool and I walk into the house. I open the door to my room and I slam it shut.

"UGH" I groan. I pull out shorts and a nike shirt. I throw them on and I crawl in my bed. "Sarah?" is followed by two knocks. "Leave me alone" I sigh. Louis walks in and sits on my bed. "Sarah I know what's wrong and I kknow how to cheer you up" I smile knowing that Lou will make me feel better. He throws in a movie and I see 'Death at a Funeral' pop up. I hit play and we watch the movie. "HIS.HAND.IS.IN.SHIT" I laugh. "And he is just like AHHH" I laugh at his expression! The movie ends and the credits scroll. "Alright night" Louis yawns. "Louis can you sleep in here please?" He nods and crawls in bed. "Lou you remind me of my half-brother Caleb" "He died I know" he sighs. "He was in war and got killed" I choke. "He would be proud of you" I smile at my new best friend. "Night dork" I roll over and I close my eyes. "Night moron" I chuckle at him before I fall asleep.

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