My new partner in crime >:)

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did you see my new cover isn't it awesome! :) well here is another chappie:) READ MY LITTLE LEPRACHAUNS!

Sarah's POV

If I ever find those people I swear i will shove gummy bears up their noses. WAIT NO!  Gummy bears are way to good to waste like that....

"Lads  she's moving" I can tell that's Louis because he has the highest voice out of all of them. "Can we eat im hungry" Yup that's my Niall! wait did i just say MY Niall?!? AHH Sarah you must put yourself down now.

I open my eyes and Louis is the first thing i see, our noses are touching. "Louis" "Yes" i smile. "If you like your face like it is right now you will get out of my bubble!" He listens and sits at the end of the bed. "Alright boys lets get the hell out of here" i try to get off the bed but pain jolts up my arm. I turn my head and they have IV's everywhere. "SOMEONE GET A NURSE OR SOMETHING BEFORE I GO INTO ATTACK MODE!" I scream as i sit back down on the bed. They all scramble out of the room i have to laugh because i never saw Niall move so fast, well except if he's getting food then that boy can fly!

The nurse comes in and removes the needle which HURT. I get changed and I walk outside and I kneel on the ground. "SWEET SWEET FREEDOM!" I whisper. I stand up and I see a girl who is about my age and is sitting on the bench. I see the  boys aren't looking so I walk to her. Her brown hair is like mine wavy but pretty. "Hey" I say as I sit down. "Hi I'm Amanda" she smiles. Her eyes are gray! That's so awesome! "I am Sarah" I smile back. She talks about how she moved to London just to move away from America. She is just like me, its kinda scary.

"Amanda you could be my sister!" I laugh out. "Yeah. Sarah not to scare you but those boys are staring at you" she points to my best friends, can you hear my sarcasm.. "Amanda do you know who one direction is?" I whisper .she nods I grab her arm and I drag her with me. "SJ who's that?" Daddy mode is on. "This is my new friend Amanda and I'm not leaving with out her, and who is Sj" Right now Amanda is in shock. "You are we nicknamed you SJ" Niall says as he is staring right at Amanda. AW Irish man has a crush? "Well if Amanda wants to come then she can" Liam sighs.

"I would love too" she speaks up. I do a victory dance. My victory dance is like the fist pump and the running man. "Alright then lets go before fa..  I mean people  crowd" Zayn says as he walks away. "Oh and before i forget those five boys are One Direction" I whisper she lets out a squeal and fist pumps.

This girl fist pumps worse than i do!  We all pile into a little taxi. When I say pile I mean Liam sits up front. Zayn Harry and I have a seat and Niall and Amanda and BIG BUM Louis have to sit on us. Of course Niall plops down on my lap. "Niall you're fat get off go sit on Zayn! Amanda and i can share a seat." i whine as i throw him to Zayn. Louis of course is on Harry. Amanda is really small, she is very skinny and tall. The opposite of me. I'm not FAT i have abs thank you... Its just i have a little bit more meat than her. I look like a football player (Soccer player). We squeeze into the seats and we drive to a massive hotel. "SJ i don't have any clothes with me" Louis looks straight at her and stares for a second. "Then Lou and I will go for you" he sings. She agrees, i can tell she will be my partner in crime>:).

Amanda is fan_ilove1D she is so nice and cool!  Comment and Vote! I need your opinion!

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