Author's Note

1K 42 15

Okay so first of all hello.

This was my first ship fanfic ever, and sadly it has come to an end. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you all enjoyed reading it too.

5k reads is more than I could've asked for. It brings me so much happiness to know that some people out there in the world think I actually have writing skills. ^-^ you guys are the best.

I enjoyed reading the comments this fic got. They were the best. You guys have a big imagination. Honestly, you go guys!

I don't know if this story was good or not but I hope it wasn't terrible. Lol. This is my second fan fiction ever and I wasn't too confident. I hope it at least caused you to smile. I know it caused me to smile...

Is it so wrong to fangirl over something that you created? Because I find myself doing that a lot. :)

Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading and voting and commenting. You were the highlight of my day!

If you would like to stay tuned to my writing, more fanfics are on the way. I have an idea for a Cashby one, a Kellic one and a Cricky one. I also have an idea for a book which is the one I'm going to probably write next.

I really appreciate you guys taking your time to read my story. I love you.


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