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Ashley's P.O.V

It's been so long since I've talked to Andy. I mean it's not like I miss him but... okay who are you trying to fool Ash? Yourself? I do miss him okay.

I miss him and I don't want to. I don't want to miss him. A sigh ran out of my lips as I contemplated the idea of phoning him. It couldn't hurt if I just called and ask how he was.

After all he is my stepbrother and we should stick together, right? I mean, I don't even know. Yet another sigh.

Without thinking it twice, I reached for my phone and clicked on his contact. No turning back now.

Andy's P.O.V

"Crow, please stop scratching the curtains! I bought you a new scratching post, why won't you use it?" My pleads were completely ignored as Crow kept scratching away.

I rolled my eyes but kept my smile directed towards him. I couldn't stay mad at someone so adorable.

"Evil's my friend. Evil's my friend again. Evil's my friend. Evil's my friend again."

My eyebrows pulled together as I wondered who could be calling me. It was probably just mom calling to check up on me. Since yesterday when I told her about my uh... secret, she already called twice just to "see how things were going".

But when I reached my phone I was greeted with a big surprise when I saw Ashley's contact on the screen.

The pit in my stomach intensified creating a black hole that swirled trying to digest me from the inside. I bit my lip involuntarily and quickly debated whether or not to answer.

"Hello?" Dumbass. Why? Why'd you do it?

"Hey Andy, how have you been?" His voice echoed around my head. I had almost made it a week without him this time. Almost.

"Fine." Another lie for the sake of my well being.

"Good. I mean, that's good. It's good you've been good." He didn't sound so sure about what he was saying. It was like he was begining to make no sense.


"I'm sorry, I kind of lost track of what I was thinking." He cleared his throat. "Anything new?"

I kinda confessed my love for you to my mother. The most important person in my world knows my biggest sin. I mean if that counts as "anything new".

"No. It's all been pretty average. Anything new with you?"

I waited expectantly staring with flared nostrils at the television. If he didn't tell me he had a girlfriend, he'd be lying to me. Just another reason to hate myself for loving the wrong man. A lying, cheating, straight man who so happens to be the son of the man my mother loves.

"Hm, no. Nothing too important. Just doing my thing." He said nonchalantly.

Doing my thing? "Okay. Cool I guess." I said trying not to growl at him for lying and for having a girlfriend. Trying not to scream at him because he was being so blind.

Oh so blind.

"Yeah. Hey do you want to hang out?" He asked. I could practically hear the enthusiasm in his voice as he asked. But it wasn't just enthusiasm. There was a hint of self loathing.

Hang out though, huh? Me and you at the park, sitting in my swings together when we both know you have a girlfriend? How can he even look me in the face and tell me that? It feels so much like he's cheating on me.

It feels so much like he knows I like him and he's doing this on purpose.

"Andy? Are you there?"


"Yes hang out? Or yes you're there?"

"Yes I'm here."

"Andy are you okay?" He asked after a couple of silenced seconds.

"Yes I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because you've been acting a little weird lately. I mean-"

"I said I'm fine."

So he does sense something? Why can't he see it? Why is he so blind?


"You know what? I'll pick you up in a few, okay?" Nope. He wasn't going to get away from this until he spilled the truth.

"Yeah. I-"

"See you then."


Clifhanger! Sorry for being such an asshole but I thought it perfect to end it right here. Next chapter will come very soon maybe even later today.

Thanks for all the support. You guys killed the goals! I love you all. :)

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