Sons Of Night

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Andy's P.O.V

I was two streets away from Ashley when I satrted considering going back home and telling him I was sick or something.

It was, after all, maybe too early for the cinema. I checked the clock on my phone and frowned slightly. A huge white 1:00 was set on the screen.

Well it's not like I did what everyone else did anyway, might as well just roll with the fire I've already lit. I bent the corner to mom's street and saw Ash waiting for me on the front steps.

A small involuntary smile displayed itself on my lips as I drove closer to the house. Once I got there, I hit the break and honked the horn once to let him know it was me.

He stood up and smiled knowingly. I watched him walk up to my truck and seat himself in the passenger seat.

"What's up?" He said friendly, closing the car door.

"I'm good, what about yourself?" I asked not missing a beat and removed my foot from the break.

"I'm okay. A little bored honestly, but that'll be fixed soon." He smiled. I knew he meant the movie. I knew it, but my mind ventured other places making me turn my head away from him.

I couldn't risk an unwanted emotion surfacing on my face and Ashley catching it. So for now hiding my face was the best option.

I think Ashley noticed something was off because he followed my head with his eyes. I pretended like I didn't notice and he did the same, brushing it off.

I turned the music up a little in an attempt at blocking the possibility of a conversation. The voice of Gene Simmons emerged from the car speakers as we drove in silence to the cinema.

Ashley's P.O.V

Andy seemed a little weird today. Since I had made my comment about being bored he had turned away and not spoken ever since.

Before he turned though, I caught a soft shade of pink tinting his cheeks. I didn't know where that had come from. I hadn't said anything, nor had he seen anything out of the usual.

I will never really understand this man.

Andy's P.O.V

After about two minutes of silence I decided to speak up. Enough of hiding my face. "Do you know what movies are in the cinema right now?"

My fingers flew up to the volume dial and turned it down a bit. He shrugged. "I'm not too sure but I think that new horror film is still there. What's it called?"

"Personal Hell?"

"Yeah. And there's the new Pixar movie and that romcom with Adam Sandler. And I think that they have that new action movie with Leonardo DiCaprio." Ashley explained thinking back.

"What do you feel like watching?" I asked casually, turning the corner towards the center of town.

"Not the romcom." Ash said between laughs.

I joined him with a chuckle. "Yeah, that one's off the table." I didn't want to watch the Pixar film either. I don't have anything against cartoons, really, but I wasn't in the mood.

"What about that new action film?" Ashley asked. I gave him a nod in confirmation.

The rest of the drive went fast. We talked a bit about our expectations for the film and our favorite movies and such. It was nothing too amazing just normal friendly chit chat.

When we got there I payed for the tickets to see Cashby Airlines. The movie was about terrorists invading airplanes in these airlines where Leonardo DiCaprio was an American spy or something like that.

Ashley took care of the popcorn and candy at the concession stand and when we were both done, we met outside the room in which or movie was being played.

We walked inside the silent room and took our seats all the way up, away from the screen. We both had agreed that being far away from the screen was better; that way you could see entire screen without having to move too much.

We were alone up there, sitting in the dark. The movie hadn't started yet so we sat there eating the sour patch kids Ashley had bought.

There was a quiet murmur in the lower part of the room but we were quiet up here. It wasn't awkward though, we were comfortable. That is until Ashley opened his mouth.

"So do you like Leonardo DiCaprio?" He asked looking at me casually.

My brows knitted together as I felt heat rush up to my face. I couldn't control the bright red tint that colored my whole face as I stared back. He looked at me confused and then his eyes got wide.

"Oh, no! I meant as an actor." He said a little uncomfortably in his seat.

The color left my face as I realized what was going on. He had asked if I liked Leonardo DiCaprio as an actor and I immediately had taken it the wrong way.
I realized how stupid I had been and felt laughter emerging from the pit of my stomach. Without a warning I let the laughter escape my lips and filled the upper level with noise.

Ashley stared at me with a smile of relief as he was glad he hadn't made it that awkward in between us. A lady in the lower section shushed me for laughing too loud.

"Oh shut up lady! The movie hasn't even started yet!" I yelled and shrunk in my seat.

Ashley looked at me with a perplexed expression but a smile. "Yeah, like I said. Not bored anymore."

Hello! Omfg you guys, I'm sorry for bothering all of you with my personal stuff in the notes but I'm excited. Tomorrow I'm going to Warped Tour for the first time and my heart is racing!

Thank you so much for reading and all. :) I'm thinking of writing some Dan and Phil imagines as I write this fic so let me know what you think about that plan. Please.

-Michelle .-.

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