Hello Kitty

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Andy's P.O.V

I rolled up in front of my mom's house to find Ash already waiting for me there. He had his Hello Kitty cased phone in hand, resting against his head.

He didn't know what my car looked like because he had never seen it before, so I rolled down my window to let him know it was me. When he caught a look in my direction he gave me a wave and got off the steps.

"Hey Ash." I said unlocking the truck's doors so he could get in.

"What's up?" He got inside and clicked his seatbealt into place. "Nice choice." He pointed at the stereo referring to the music I was playing.

It was, by the way, Saints of Los Angeles by Motley Crue. I smiled at him and gave him a thank you.

"So any idea on where we should hang out?" Ash asked.

Hanging out wasn't really my thing, considering I didn't have friends, so usually I stayed in the apartment. No way I was going to take Ash there, though. What could ever possible do there?

And just like if he was reading my mind, he opened his mouth and asked. "Your apartment?"

"Like I said on the phone, it's not really an interesting place." I said honestly. "But I do usually hang out somewhere else."

With that being said I drove off into the street. I was going to take him to Wilson Park. It was where I went when I wanted to get my mind off of things and it was also the only place without people to bother us.

"Okay cool." Ashley answered, surrendering completely to my judgement. "Have any friends that could come with us?"


He looked at me in confusion. "No?"


"Not one?"

"I do have one friend named Chance, but he lives in California now and we only keep in touch through the phone." I explained feeling it had been unnecessary the moment it left my mouth.

"Oh. But not even from college?"

"I mind my own business." I said and continued my way down the street.

He gave me a small shrug as if to say "whatever floats your boat", and stared out of the window.

"Do you have many friends?" I asked trying to make small talk. Once again, not my best quality.

"Yeah I guess." He said. "Not much but enough to fill the apartment once in a while."

Fill the apartment? And that wasn't much. "Girlfriend?" He had asked, now it was my turn.

He shook his head. "I broke up with her a couple of weeks ago. Bethany was a jealous bitch."

I nodded having no comment whatsoever that I could use to even pretend like I could relate. I had literally never had a girlfriend or boyfriend in my entire life, therefore I had no breakup experience.

"Had any relationships lately?" I could see it in his eyes that he was avoiding the use of the term boyfriend, but I brushed it off.



"I've never been in a relationship in my life." I said bluntly. I think this is why I never really talked to anyone, I was way too blunt.

I literally just said what came to my mind and most people didn't want to hear it. Especially because it didn't make any sense most of the time.

His face went blank. "How old are you again?"

"Twenty four."

"Not once?"


"So you're..." I knew exactly what his question was going to be even before he trailed off.

"A virgin? Yes."

I turned the wheel and parked in the empty parking lot of Wilson Park. Ashley looked at me with a half smile of disbelief but still got out of the car.

"Smoke?" I asked him reaching into the pocket of my jacket.

He shook his head no but I still got one for me. I lit it and we started walking down the trail towards the deserted playground.

"Not even a kiss?"


I could see it in his face that he was getting tired of my one worded answers. He was getting curious but we weren't close enough for him to just ask so he stayed quiet.

When we got to the playground, he stayed standing in front of the slides. I kept walking though like always and sat on my usual swing.

He looked at me expectantly and I returned it. "Sit." I said puffing smoke out of my mouth.

He shook his head lightly but did as I had said. "Do you come here often?" He asked finally after a small while of silence.

"Yeah." I said simply. He shot me a look and I chuckled. "What?"

"Yes, no, never. Why the fuck do you answer like that?" He asked.

"I don't know. It's just the way I am. I usually have nothing of real value to say so I stay quiet." I answered bluntly. "Does it bother you?"

"I just want you to talk." He said desperately.


He rolled his eyes. "Anything."

"I like graham crackers."

"You're so fucking strange."

"And you're suprised why I'm still a virgin?" I laughed. "People care too much." He gave me a sideways look not sure on what I was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

Ashley's P.O.V

Okay this kid gets weirder and weirder by the second. His brain seems like an incredible work of art. Answering so bluntly and so reserved at the same time.

Yet he seems to be creating master plans in his head as we speak. And then he gets so serious too. I swear I don't fucking understand him. He's so different to everyone else.

"It doesn't matter." He answered finally huffing away on his cigarette. "Even if we did discuss it, it would just stay here. All my words would be left here and soon forgoten by you, it would be a waste of time."

I stared at him in desbelief. "I'm gonna be straight with you Biersack. You're one of a kind."

He blushed the slightest shade of pink I had ever seen, but I caught it.

"Thanks." He answered.

Andrew is a weirdo. Like we didn't know that already, am I right?

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