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Andy's P.O.V

This is the end of the freaking world. I'm out of food and shampoo, so here I stand with a greasy man bun and an empty stomach.

What a life.

The corner of my mouth pulled up in a sort of half grimace as I searched through the fridge. Pickles, mayonnaise, and mustard. Not enough to make a decent lunch.

I turned around and patted the pocket of my black sweats to make sure I had my wallet and turned to the door.

"I'll be back in a few! Stay out of trouble, Crow!" I yelled over my shoulder.

Like it would make any difference... he would keep clawing at my curtains regardless of what I said to him. I smiled at the thought of my kitty but kept trotting down the stairs.

Once I reached my truck I got inside mindlessly and drove to the nearest walmart. It was kind of cold outside and I immediately regretted not bringing some kind of sweater with me.

"Man up Andrew." I mumbled, walking the short distance between my car and the entrance.

I retrieved a shopping cart from the line and started to lazily walk up and down the isles. A yawn escaped my grip announcing my sleep depraved state to the world as I rubbed my eyes.

Sleeping was getting harder by the day. I don't know what it is about the night time, but my brain doesn't seem to get the message that's a time for rest. It seems as if as soon as the sun went down my brain switched on.

And the worst part is that it's not even on with a purpose. I'm not thinking about coherent things, it's just a big buzz of anxiety and I feel so stupid.

Am I not good enough to think straight? And this is all happening because some guy isn't what I wanted him to be, but exactly what I expected. Just because he's not... what? Not for me?

My right fist clenched involuntarily as I stopped in my tracks to regain my calm. My brain didn't know better but to overreact about these things.

Once I was better I resumed my walk down the hallways of walmart.

There was a small pulsation on the side of my head, a throb. My temple seemed to be about to explode. Again, it was all thanks to the lack of sleep.

I really should do something about this all. But what? All I do at night is lay in bed with my eyes wide open. Rolling around in the sea of bed sheets trying to find my way back home. But I never find it.

I never seem to sleep peacefully and when I do catch a break, I go into a stressful dream less sleep from which I wake up even more tired than when I fell asleep. My eyes were beginning to close on their own, demanding for me to shut down.

But that's exactly what I've never been able to do. Shut myself down. I can lie about it, and sadly, I'm incredibly good at it. But to really shut myself down? That's something different.

"Evil's my friend. Evil's my friend again. Evil's my friend. Evil's my friend again."

I quickly reached into my pocket and retrieved my iPhone. Roger's contact glared up at me from the screen as I slid across the green button.

"Hello?" I said trying to sound as normal as I could.

There was some sort of shuffling on the other side of the line but it quieted down rather fast. "Andy? How' ve you been? We haven't talked in quiet a while."

"I've been good, thanks." I lied. "I guess we've both been busy doing our own things."

Honey Bunches of Oats, check. It landed on the bottom of the cart with a loud ring of the metal. Mini Wheats, check. Pop tarts? Yeah okay.

"You're right, getting used to the new house, work, and Ashley finally coming to visit. It's been some work, huh?" He laughed. "You been up to anything?"

His inquiry wasn't being paid much attention as the only thing I could think of was the pounding in my head.


He cleared his throat before speaking again. "I said have you been up to anything lately?"

"Oh. No not really. I mean, currently I'm buying groceries. And the pet park, just that."

Pasta. Thud. Eggs. Carefully place them on the top part because I don't want to murder any chicken fetuses. Milk.

"Spending time with Crow?"

I nodded. "Yeah, he really enjoys the pet park." I smiled off into wonderland as I reached over mindlessly for some cheese and sour cream.

"I can imagine. Hey, are you free today?" He asked suddenly.

I blinked a couple of times to bring myself to my reality before I answered. "Uh, yeah. I don't recall having any plans today. Why?"

"Well your mom and I were planning on dropping by today if that was okay with you."

"Yeah, yeah. That's cool. I'll just- I'll make-"

"If your thinking about the food, don't worry about it. Mom's got it covered, okay?"

"Yeah but is Ashley coming too?" Quickly my right hand flew to slap my mouth as my eyes closed shut.

My other hand released the butter I was holding into the cart as I leaned against the refrigerator that was near by. Why had I asked about it?

"Um, no. I think he has a date with his girlfriend. Andy are-"

"His girlfriend?" The word echoed all around the walls of my head. Girlfriend. He has a girlfriend.

"Yeah he-"

"Has a girlfriend..." I murmured, preventing Roger from finishing his sentence.

"Yes. Andy are you alright?"

"Yes! Okay. Fine. Nothing to worry about. It's all chill, I'm okay. But I have to clean up now so bye okay? Bye."

"Weren't you at-"



I want to cancel. I want to cancel now. I'm not in the state for seeing people. A groan escaped my mouth as I closed the fridge door after throwing in the butter.

A mountain of gray Wal-Mart bags littered the kitchen counter as I frowned in frustration. I don't want to cancel but I don't know if I can do this.

Ashley has a girlfriend.

It's over. That's it. I don't even want to think about it because it's done. But at the same time it's not. He's still my stepbrother and he will keep being my stepbrother for as long as our parents are married.

I have to face the fact that I will have to keep living with him in my life for a long time.

Knock Knock Knock.

"Smile. Smile for the camera." I whispered to myself before opening the door.

Mom and Roger stood there, aluminum tray and coke bottle in hand. I gave them the best smile I could display and invited them to come in after a few greetings.

Roger placed the food in the kitchen then we all gathered in the living room. There was a sitcom on television, and I didn't bother to change the channel.

"You look tired honey." Mom started. "You been getting enough sleep?"

Andy's ringtone is Evil's My Friend by Rancid just in case you wanted to know. :) It's a good song, I mean Rancid is a good band in general so yeah. :)

Thanks for the support you guys. You're the best. I have something planned for the next chapter and I can't wait to start working on it.

It's finally FRIDAY! No school, yo!


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