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×One Week Later×

Ashley's P.O.V

"Come on Mr. Psychologist. Just because you have some big boy job doesn't mean you have the right to be late." I joked around at the door.

His laugh boomed from his bedroom. A warm feeling spread through my chest. We've been going out for about a year now and I still get funny at the sound of his laugh.

"I know." He said coming out of the door. He fixed his leather jacket and ran a hand through his jet black hair.

He checked out his reflection in the mirror for like the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. "Come on Andy, you look hot." I made and emphasis on the t at the end.

He smiled, walking over to the door where I had been waiting for the last half an hour. "Done?" I asked. He gave me a kiss in response holding my waist with one hand and face with the other. I might be the oldest but he was the one to take control.

I couldn't help but surrender to him every time. He had something to him that made me give in.

"Let's go." He said with a big smile and opened the door.

I followed him out of his apartment close behind. We walked down the flights of stairs hand in hand. Andy's neighbors sometimes gave us dirty looks when we walked down the apartment complex holding hands.

We had grown accustomed eventually but in the beginning it had been hard. Well for me at least, Andy was completely okay with their looks. "They'll have to deal with it," he had said. "I'm not changing for some homophobes."

I mean, I wasn't going to change either but sometimes when someone reminds you that they hate you, or hate something about you for that matter, it gets hard to just ignore.

It's all been easy with Andy by my side. He's done so much for me. He's done so much for both of us. He's truly the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I don't know where I would be if I had never fallen in love with this man. If dad had never met Amy we would both be in a dark place. Dad would probably be a professional alcoholic sleeping with every slut in Los Angeles.

I would be still working as a bartender in that damn bar. With another shitty girlfriend. A relationship that wouldn't go anywhere with another one of my big breasted blondes.

You know, I used to be unsure of God's precense. It never stood out to me. I didn't really believe, you know. I would doubt him. Was he real? He had never truly helped me. He had let my mom leave me and let my dad turn into this monster. Monster who quit his job to be a full time alcoholic.

But now I sometimes believe. When I look up at Andy and I see him staring down at me with that smile I find myself thanking God. I mean he must be a Godsend. If Amy and Andy had never crossed our paths, dad and I would be in a dark place. So now I thank God. All for Andy.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Andy asked. My concentration didn't waver.

"I'm admiring your existence."

"Admiring my existence?"

"You're incredible and I love you."

He smiled shily. "I love you too." He quickly leaned down and kissed me. "You creepy little tan feminine man."

I made a face and punched him in the arm playfully. "Feminine your ass, now let's go. I don't wanna be late."

"My ass is feminine?" Andy inquired trying to look at his ass by turning his body.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."


The ride to Amy and Roger's house wasn't long. They don't live too far so it was short. Car rides were never boring when Andy was in the car though. He has his own car ride quirks.

First of all he sings a long to the music. And let me tell you that he has the voice of an angel. It's so deep and beautiful. It's a wondeful masterpiece to be completely honest with you.

Then he dances too and he's the type to flip some one off on the road if they do something reckless with their car. If you didn't stop at a stop sign, "Hey you asshole! There's a sign! Goddamnit with these crazy bastards."

He's the best.

"Andy! Ash!" Amy said opening the door for the both of us. "Come in, food's almost ready."

She gave both of us a heartwarming smile as we stepped in through the door still holding hands. The food was in the backyard. Roger and Collin were grilling burgers.

We walked through the house to get to the backyard. Collin was grilling while dad was opening opening a bag of Kraft singles.

"Hey boys!" He said as we walked outside. "How've you been?"

"Pretty good." Andy answered.

"Yeah it's been great." I added. "But I mean how can it go wrong when I have Andy."

"Ugh get a room." Collin joked around. We all broke off into a small chuckle as Andy let go of my hand to go help his mom. He gave me a small nod to let me know that he'd be back and I returned it.

"Need any help?" I asked dad.

"No, we're almost done here." He smiled pulling out a seat for me to sit down. He sat down on one next to it and patted the seat. "Come sit down."

I did as offered.

"I'm so happy for you Ash." We both looked at Andy helping his mom out with a Tupperware bowl of potato salad. "You've been together for more than a year now."

I smiled. "I know. Longest relationship I've ever been in."

"Yup. And I dare to say it's the best." He added. "When you told me you were bi," he chuckled, "I remember your face." I rolled my eyes at him. "Damn it you were so nervous."

"It was hard!"

"I know Ash but I am your dad. And I will always support you. Plus, Andy is such a good boy. I mean look at him. He's got his degree, he's talented, polite, he's respectful, he loves his mom, and most importantly he loves you. He's given you everything. Damn it he gave you his viriginity."


"I know, I know. Maybe I went too far. But my point is that he is the type of person to love with his eyes closed and arms wide open. He's special and you know it." Dad patted my back. "I'm glad you too are together."

I took a deep breath still looking at my Andy. "Me too."

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