Hearts Are Only Open When They Break

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Andy's P.O.V

We sat on the swings as soon as they came into view just like we had done every other time. Ashley had smiled at me since the first time he saw me today. It has been sending butterflies into my stomach the whole day.

Part of me said he knew what type of emotions he was causing in me with that smile. But the other part told me to chill out and admit to myself that he was doing it out of friendship.

I started to swing myself to and fro, trying to ignore the constant urge inside of me to ask him why he had been busy the day before. I didn't want him to think of me as a nosy guy, but the curiosity was killing me.

I shot him a glance and he returned it. I gave him a smile in attempts to make it less awkward.

"So what did you do yesterday?" He asked throwing me off guard. I thought I was going to be the one asking that question.

"Nothing really. I took Crow with me to the pet park and we played around with some cat toys. But after that I went home and watched a movie." I shrugged.

He smiled, giving me a slight chuckle. "That's adorable." He blushed slightly at what he said and tried to make up for it. "I mean how you hang around with your cat like that."

"Thanks. He's one of my only friends." My insides itched with the inevitable question but I held my peace.

"Have you had him for a long time?"

"Ever since he was a kitten." He was meant to have helped with me with my dad's loss and let me tell you, he has done a great job.

He nodded as the conversation died down. My subconscious pushed me to ask the question but I fought back. I didn't want to ask, it was none of my business. We weren't more than just friends, just stepbrothers, I didn't have the right to ask him about his whereabouts.

I took an involuntary deep breath making him look at me in confusion. I shook my head to tell him I was fine and he nodded in response.

Ashley's P.O.V

He wanted to ask. I knew he wanted to ask me where I had been yesterday, and honestly it was making me happy. Just the thought of Andy being jealous over me made me feel good. It made me feel happy.

I didn't like this. I didn't like that I was feeling these things towards Andy, especially after my time with Charlotte last night. She was supposed to help me forget about Andy and she wasn't.

I knew it was just because I hadn't spent enough time with her so I was going to keep trying until Andy wasn't in my head anymore.

My conscious laughed at me. Ashley, you're not going to forget about Andy. You like the kid. Admit it. You like Andy.

But I am not gay.

"Had fun last night?" And there was the million dollar question!

I could see it in Andy's face that he was curious. Curious, and completely hating himself at the moment.

I didn't really know how to react to the question. Smile? Frown? Meh? None of the above, sir. I was going to try my best poker face yet.

"It was okay." I said blunty, showing no emotion.

"Oh." He breathed. "Where did you go?"

"I had a date."

Andy's P.O.V

You knew this was going to happen Andy. Why are you so hurt? You knew he wasn't gay and you knew that he would find a girl sooner or later.

So why does it feel like your heart just broke? Why does it feel like there's a hand at your throat? He's not yours. He doesn't belong to you. You two are nothing.

Not a couple, not lovers, not romantically involved. You two are nothing of the sort so why does it feel like your soul has just torn in two? Why does it feel like you suddenly can't breath?

Why do you want to leave?

"Andy?" His voice brought me back to my bleak reality.


"Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Surprised that you got a girl so quick." Not a lie, not a lie at all.

"It's my super power." Stop talking Ashley. Stop hurting me.

"What's her name?"

"Charlotte." Sounds like a slut's name. "I think I really like her." Stop lying.

I could see it in his eyes. He couldn't lie to me. I mean please, I am literally a psychology student and I have been for a while. I know when you're lying and I know how to make you talk.

Honestly though, I didn't have the guts or the strength to so I shut my mouth and looked down at my phone. Not only was I heart broken but I was mad. He didn't have to lie to me.

All he had to do was tell me he wasn't into it or left me alone. I wasn't sure if he liked me or not but I could tell that he didn't like that Charlotte girl. Was it a cover up? I don't know.

But I do know one thing, he shouldn't play with me like this.

"Oh shit! I have an appointment in like fifteen minutes! Could you please take a cab home? I am so sorry but I have to go or I won't catch it." I stood up, stuffing my phone in my pocket and starting to walk away.

"Yeah that's cool. See you later!" He called out as I started to jog.

I didn't dare to look back at him but the last thing I saw on his face was confusion. So he didn't know. He didn't know why I was leaving. He wasn't playing around with my feelings, but he was playing around with his.

Sometimes I feel alone. Sometimes I feel smothered. I'm drowning in this feeling of hopelessness. I'm bothered.

Thanks for reading! Poor Andy's heart is broken. :( But we have to wait and see what happens after this. :)

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