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Andy's P.O.V

"You are a total loser." I pushed my legs harder and gave myself more speed.

"Hey! This is cheating! You have long ass gazelle legs and that gives you an advantage!" Ashley tried with all his might but still wasn't able to swing as high as I.

I looked down at him and smirked. This kid didn't stand a chance against me. I was the weird grown man that hung out at the park almost everyday. Even when it was winter, in the snowy state of Ohio, I still came around.

He pouted slightly trying again and achieving a considerable amount of height, but still not enough. I laughed at him and he flipped me off.

"Don't be a sore loser." I joked around.

He glared. "Keept that up and you're gonna be a sore winner."

I knew he was implying that he would beat me up if I kept taunting him but my mind went other places. I tried with my whole heart to suppress the blush and succeeded.

He didn't think the same, nor he knew about me thinking like that. Not to be stereotypical but he wasn't gay. His mind went other places with other people.

"Well I quit." He said stubbornly and stopped swinging. His swing came to a stop and he sat there looking up at me.

I laughed but stop pushing myself and came to a stop next to Ash. "Quitter."

He smirked at me but it quickly turned into a genuine smile. He reached for his phone and clicked the home button. "It's 1:00 pm?"

I checked my phone too and nodded. "We've been here for hours." I commented. "Sort of like, five hours or something."

He placed a hand on his stomach and rubbed it up and down. "That explains why I'm hungry."

I was getting hungry too, to be honest. I hadn't eaten any breakfast either because I had rushed to pick up Ash. "Me too. Let's go grab something to eat?" I asked.

He nodded and pushed himself to his feet. I did the same and we both walked down to the trail. "Where are you thinking?" He asked.

I didn't want to go to my apartment but at the same time I wanted to see Crow. "Let's go to the grocery store and pick something up. Cook it in the apartment?" Crow before anything.


I knew he would say yes to the invitation so I smiled in my small victory. Not like I was proud to have someone over but because I enjoy having control of things.

We drove to the grocery store and looked around for a while. I wasn't a chef or anything like that but I knew a bit about cooking. But then again, I had never had somebody over so I had no idea on what to get.

We looked around the produce section for a while and Ashley stayed quiet the entire time. I looked over at him and cocked an eyebrow. "Suggestions?"

He shrugged. "I don't know how to cook!" He said raising his hands in defence.

I chuckled. "What do you eat every day?"

"Take out." He said simply. "I call the Chinese place down the street."

"Well then I guess it's up to me then." I looked around and picked out tomatoes, lettuce, onions, and pickles from the produce area and then lead Ash into the meats.

I picked out some patties and then got buns, cheese, and mayo. Burgers weren't that hard to make and they were pretty good. It would have to do.

I payed the lady behind the cash register and then we drove to my apartment.

When we got there I parked in my usual spot. Ashley helped me take the few groceries we had bought into the apartment as we walked up the stairs.

I took my key out and turned it in the knob, opening the door. Crow came jumping from his spot on the couch to the door and gave me purr.

I droped the bags to the side and crawled onto the floor with my baby. "Aw. Did you miss your daddy?"

I took his purr against my hands as a yes and picked him up. Ashley came into the apartment after that and looked at my kitty with a smile.

"Awe. What's your name baby?" He cupped Crow's little cute face with his hands.

"Crow." I said simply. He was enjoying all the petting and rubbed his face against Ashley's hands.

"You're adorable." Ash whispered as Crow leaped from my chest onto the couch. "I'm a dog person and all, but that little kitty is adorable."

I smiled. Yeah my baby was adorable. He was beautiful and sweet and innocent most of all. He was the best.

After the hellos we gave Crow, I led Ash to the kitchen and sat down all the groceries on the table. We opened all the bags and got the little grill I had.

I set it on top of the stove and turned the knob. The blue flames came out of the stove top and touched the grill. The patties I had selected were already seasoned so all I did was set them on the grill and watched them go.

"It's a nice apartment you've got here." Ashley commented leaning on a chair. "Almost everything is either black or chrome. It looks badass."

"Thanks. I hope you don't mind the mess in the leaving room. Crow throws my stuff around sometimes."

"Nah I don't mind. My apartment is a fucking mess." He said in between laughs and sipped on the beer he had in hand.

I flipped the burgers again and sipped from my own. "You want cheese?"

Omg! I'm sorry I haven't updated but I've been doing some stuff. Nothing super important, or anything. But I did just find out that... I'M GOING TO WARPED TOUR! It's going to be my first one and I'm beyond excited.

Lol sorry with my stuff. :) I'll try to work in the Andley stuff as the story progresses. It is still yet to come. :)
Stay Tuned!

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