Dinner At Mom's

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Andy's P.O.V

I checked my watch and realized I had been swinging in the park for the entire morning. It was five o' clock already so I decided to drop by the store and pick up some flowers for mom before the dinner.

I got into the truck and drove to the Walgreens close to where mom's new house was. I didn't know if I should buy them a housewarming gift so I got some wine and a bouquet of roses for mom. Yeah, I know I'm traditional. Unoriginal and all but mom really liked roses.

I payed the guy behind the cash register and made my way to the dinner. I didn't really know if mom had invited anyone other than myself. I had only picked up one bottle of wine so maybe it wasn't going to be enough.

When I arrived, I parked in the driveway and noticed one other car. I didn't know who the car belonged to so I didn't gave it much care and turned off my own.

I made sure I had the bottle and roses with me and knocked on the door. My mom opened up looking beautiful. She had on a nice white blouse and a black pencil skirt.

"You look beautiful mom," I said handing her the roses.

She gave me a heart warming smile and took the roses. "You didn't have to get me anything Andy."

"My pleasure."

She led me to the dining room where she had the table set up and people sitting there. Roger stood up when he saw me coming through the door and gave me a firm handshake.

"Housewarming gift," I said handing him the bottle of wine. He took it with a smile.

"Thanks. Andy, this is my brother Collin. Collin, this is my stepson Andy." Roger motioned at his brother and Collin shook my hand.

"Well that's everyone!" My mom explained pulling out a chair for me. I sat down next to her and she sat down in between me and Roger. Collin sat infront of us.

Mom's dinner table wasn't that big, which was fine since she barely ever had any people over.

"I made lasagna," she started, "and for dessert there's a chocolate cheesecake in the kitchen! Help yourselves!"

We all did as encouraged and dug into the food mom had prepared. I stayed quiet for most of the time. They were talking about adult stuff.

Jobs, and kids, and bills. All of these I had close to no ties to. I had no kids. My job was uninteresting. I mean it used to be uninteresting... It just turns out that if you sell an axe to an eight year old you lose your job, okay?

And bills were purely uninteresting to me so I decided not to join in. Mom noticed though, that I was being quiet that it is, and started asking questions.

"How's school?" She asked loud enough for everyone to hear. They all stared at me waiting for a response.

"I have exams at the moment; they're kind of smothering me." I took a deep breath. "I'm just glad summer's coming up."

"What are you studying?" Collin asked taking a bite out of his lasagna.

"Psychology," I said simply. I didn't feel like going into detail about being family and child oriented or any of that stuff so I let it at that. 

He nodded simply with a smile. Not a real job was probably what he was thinking. People expected me to say law or science, being a doctor was surely more appealing than a psychologist.

Like usual, I let it go and finished up my food.
"Speaking of summer break, I have news for you," Roger spoke up. "You guys all remember that I have a son right?"

Roger had a 31 year old son named Ashley. We'd never really seen him, not even in pictures, but mom and I had always been pretty curious about it. He lived in California and to my knowledge he didn't go to school nor had he gone to college. He finished high school but he never continued his education.

"Ashley?" Mom asked.

"Yes, Ash. I was talking to him a couple of days back and he was talking about coming for the summer," Roger finished. "He wants to meet his stepmom and his stepbro." He smiled.

My mom's face lit up at the thought of a new son. "That's awesome! When is he going to arrive?"

"About in a week or two maybe. He hasn't bought the plane ticket yet, so it's just an estimate," Roger smiled.

"Ash, coming to visit?" Collin said leaning back. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen my nephew in a such a long while."

"I know. He's been a little distant, but he's coming to visit and that's the first step," Roger answered.

"Ah well that's great. Let me go get the desert from the kitchen. I'll be right back." Mom stood up and walked to the kitchen to get the cheesecake.

A new person coming to live with us? I mean, living with mom and Roger? It's not like I have anything to worry about, he's 31 and it's not like he's going to want to hang out with a kid like me.

And he's from California either way. He's probably going to be into surfing and rap music so we're not going to have much in common.

I have nothing to worry about with this guy. Why am I stressing about it either way? He's just my stepbrother. He's just some other guy.

Hey! Please comment and vote if you like the story. I appreciate it much. Please don't be ghost readers. :) I beg with the power of a thousand pugs.

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