Clinging To Reality

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Andy's P.O.V

Just pick up the damn phone so I can be over with this already. Don't make this any harder than it already is.

"Andy! How are you?" Ashley's voice came through the phone in an excited rush.

Why was he so happy to hear my voice? He should be out there with his girl. "I'm okay. I'm fine. What about yourself?"

"It's all chill on this end." He said casually.

"Listen I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday." I started my apology. "I was a dick. I didn't get enough sleep that night and I was a little crabby." I added a slight chuckle at the end to contribute to the genuine feel of it.

He mirrored my chuckle with such confidence that I wanted to hang up. "Don't worry about it. I accept your apology completely. It happens to everyone doesn't it?"

Does it really? "Yeah I guess. Well I'll leave you to whatever you're up to, I just felt bad about it."

"Okay Andy, see you later dude."


I quickly hit the red button and exhaled deeply. The less time I spend on him, the better it will be to forget about him. From now on, I'm not going to contact him first. If he calls, cool, I'll pick up. But I'm going back to my old life.

Not contact, no harm.

"Crow!" I called out.

His little fluffy ears came into view. He walked through the living room door and meowed my way.

"Come here, babe. We're going to have some fun times!"

Ashley's P.O.V

It had been so nice of him to call an apologize for his behavior. He just... didn't sound the same anymore. Not only had the smile faded from his eyes but now his voice was different too. It had lost its young quality.

He sounded genuine but at the same time forced. It was as if his emotions were merely a sticker; they weren't deep. I just want to know why. Why did he sound like this?

"Who was it?" Charlotte asked peering from behind her coffee.

"My... stepbrother." I said. The word "stepbrother" struggling to come out. "He called to tell me something, nothing too important."

She gave me a smile and sipped from her frappe. This was honestly the most sober I had ever seen her be. Her eyes looked back at me with very little signs of intoxication.

They were blue. But not like Andy's.

Her eyes were a dull blue; they didn't sparkle, and they didn't smile. Andy had vibrant blue eyes. They were so clear and deep at the same time. I could swim in them. But her's were so shallow. Not even a puddle of Andy's ocean.

But Andy's eyes were fading. The smile in them had completely left. The same was happening now to his voice. He was slowly losing that special quality. It was so much better than Charlotte's voice though.

Everything about Andy was better than Charlotte.

While her voice was weak and annoying, Andy's voice was deep and full of power. His voice was interesting, I don't think I could ever get tired of listening to him talk. It was like music to my ears.

Call me sappy but that's what it sounds like to me. His laugh... It was my favorite thing in the world.

Not to mention his skin too. His was creamy white decorated with those perfect tattoos. He was like a walking work of art full of stories to share. Charlotte on the other hand, had a fake tan.

She looked somewhat orange in some places, making her look like a burned macaroon. And her hair. It was a dull and colorless blond, while Andy's was a beautiful black. He showed comfort, beauty, depth, and a rebellious nature all at the same time.

He was everything.

"What's up?" Charlotte asked with a blush coating her features.

I realised I had been thinking about how great Andy was but staring at her at the same time. I panicked for a while but quickly regained. I was such a bad liar.

"I was just contemplating all your qualities."

She smiled nervously. "Oh stop."

"I'm serious." I reached over and placed a hand over hers. "You're wonderful in every stretch of the word."

"You're incredible too." She said taking my hand in hers. "Sweet and dirty."

"Same goes to you." I wasn't talking about her. I wasn't expressing my feelings for her. I wasn't even on the same reality as her.

"You're a darling, bad boy." She winked, leaning into me.

I mirrored her leaning until we were close enough so that our noses were touching. I looked into her eyes and tried to imagine they were Andy's. His smiley ones. The ones he used to have.

I found them deep inside my memory and held onto them with an iron grip. Her eyes closed slowly helping my imagination as I closed my eyes too.

Our lips connected in a warm embrace as I tried to pictured it was Andy. I imagined him in my arms. Him and I at his apartment, in that comfortable couch of his. Sitting down and kissing.

His hands on my neck instead of Charlotte's and my hands wrapped around his waist. I tried to picture that it was his black hair brushing against my skin instead of her dull blond one.

I wanted so desperately for it to be him and not Charlotte but that could never happen. He wasn't into me, and he was slowly losing himself too. He was losing his grip on reality. And so was I.

I was only but imagining him in my arms but I knew it wasn't him. And just as if the universe wanted to confirm my statement, the kiss broke and her dull eyes looked at me with so much emotion.

I tried to mirror it at the best of my ability. "Charlotte?"


"Be mine?"

She chuckled at my sappy choice of words but nodded. "Yes."

I fucking hate you Ashley. I hate you so much.

Now they're both a little messed in the head.

Thanks so much for the reads and votes you guys. I look forward everyday to leaving
school and coming home to write for you all.

Loads of love!


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