The Next Day

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Andy's P.O.V

"Do you have any plans for today sweetheart?" My mom asked through the phone.

My ringtone had woken me up at 10:30 am. I had been planning on sleeping in today since I didn't have school or anything, you know this being the first day of summer and all, but mom had decided otherwise.

I sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes. "No. Why? Is something wrong?"

"Not at all. It's just that Roger and I wanted to take Ashley around town and we were wondering if you'd like to come with us?"

I looked down at my pajamas and then quickly at the digital clock by my bed. "What time?"

"About 11:30, we want to get lunch too."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." I started pulling the phone away from my ear when I heard my mom's voice calling my name. "What?"

"I said that we'll pick you up so don't worry," she said.

"Okay then see you later."

"Bye sweetie."

The line went dead and I sprung into action. Throwing the sheets aside, I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth quickly. There was really no time for a shower so I skipped that and went right to getting dressed.

I opened my closet doors and started at all the black and denim. You see this is a real problem, I have to carefully examin every piece of clothing because they are all the same color and I don't know what I'm looking at. It's a pain in the ass.

I finally decided on some black ripped skinny jeans, a black muscle shirt, and black leather jacket. I grabbed a random pair of black boots and slipped on the clothes.

What's an outfit without accessories right? So I went to my dresser and picked out a silver rosary and some silver rings. A simple silver earring and checked myself out in the mirror.

I stared into my blue eyes until I was okay with what I saw and went to check on Crow.

"Crow?" I called walking into the livingroom.

His furry little face popped up from in between the cushions on the couch. I stared at the sight of my precious little friend and sat on the couch next to him.

"Daddy's going to go hang out with your grandma and Roger. And Ashley too. He's sort of like your uncle or something." I talked out loud to my cat ever since I got him. Even though he's a cat, I swear he understands.

He gave me a small meow and proceeded to climb onto the coffee table. "I'll go put your breakfast in your bowl and then I'll be out okay?"

I waited for some kind of response but after a while of blank stares I stood up and left. I poured the usual kitty food into Crow's plate and left there for when he got hungry.

A while later I got a text from my mom letting me know they were here so I kissed Crow my goodbyes and blew out the candles.

Ashley's P.O.V

"This is where Andy lives?" I asked looking out the window at the big apartment complex.

It looked like a nice place. It was in a good neighborhood too. He must live comfortably here.

"Yeah, he lives in an apatment all by himself," Amy answered.

"No roommate?" Most of the kids Andy's age live with a friend or a girl. It's kinda weird that Andy lives alone.

"He's not very social. He has one friend and he recently moved out of state, so Andy doesn't really socialize," Amy explained. "But he's very comfortable living with Crow."

"What's up with Crow?" Andy said reaching the car and getting in the backseat with me.

He gave us all a small hello after buckling in his seatbealt followed by a smile.

"Your mom was just telling me how you lived with someone lived Crow," I said.

"My cat," Andy explained. Oh, a pet. He was a cat person, and to say the truth he did look the type.

"Well then, off to where?" Roger asked. "McDonald's? Burger King? Denny's? Luch where?"

"How about Mexican?" Amy asked. "La Laguna?"

We all nodded our agreement and Roger drove off into the street. We drove in small talk. Amy asked her son questions about how he had slept and if he was feeling okay.

It seemed like she cared a lot about her son's well-being and it was natural. I had lost all contact with my mom after she left us to go after someone else.

I try not to think about it much, to be honest. But now and then when I see moms taking care of their kids, I get a little emotional.

Don't get me wrong, my dad took incredible care of me growing up. He educated me as he knew and I'm not going to lie when I say he did a great job.

We arrived at this Mexican place a couple minutes later and got off the car.

There was a glowing red sign that read "Bienvenidos a La Laguna" above the door that welcomed us into the restaurant. Honestly the only Mexican food I had evet had was Taco Bell, which we all know is a cheap imitation, so this was going to be interesting.

We got in and a nice waitress led us to a table. Her nametag read "Magdalena". She was hot, to be completely honest.

Andy's P.O.V

I caught Ash giving the waitress looks as she walked away with our orders. Roger gave him a slight tap on the shoulder and they both shared a chuckle.

I didn't pay any attention to it honestly but something in the bottom of my stomach started turning for some reason.

Yo! What do you think will happen after the lunch? The rest of the day will continue in the next chapter. Thanks for reading and voting. :) it's much appreciated.

The pic is just C.C as a freaking fetus bc why the hell not just leave it there? :)

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