Cloud On My Head Every Single Day

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*two days later*

Ashely's P.O.V

"So how are you enjoying your stay in Ohio so far?" Amy asked behind her plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.

Oh well it's really fucking confusing and weird. You know I got lost in the rain the other day after getting with a drunk blond at a bar. I love Ohio so far.

"It's good." I said in between spoonfuls of my cereal.

Dad raised an eyebrow at me. "Just good?"

"I'm happy to see you dad and I'm happy to have met Amy and... Andy. But sometimes I miss California, that's all." I miss not having to convince myself at three in the morning that what I'm feeling is "normal".

My dad gave me a nod. "Yeah I understand. You've been living there your whole life. It's kinda hard to just let go of everything you've ever known."

You have no idea.

Andy's P.O.V

I looked out the window of the apartment and half smiled. It seemed like today was going to be such a boring day. The sky was clear, no signs of a thunder cloud or fog, or anything interesting. Just sun.

I finished the plate of chocolate cereal I was working on and threw it in the sink. I'd deal with it later, I thought as I went into my room to get dressed.

I wasn't going to stay in on such a boring day. There was no action in the sky so staying in didn't seem really appealing. Maybe I could call up Ashley and we could go somewhere.

A small rush of feeling appeared on my arms and legs at the thought of it. I knew it wasn't going to be a romantic kind of thing, but something was something.

I finished getting dressed and reached over for my phone. My thumb hovered over Ashley's contact. A picture of Hello Kitty in Kiss make up glared up at me, daring me to press the call button.

I bit my lip for a while before pressing the button without thinking.

Ashley's P.O.V

Maybe if I just go out and go somewhere I'll get my mind cleared. You know, a quiet place just like a park or maybe even go and watch a movie. Somewhere interesting.

I smiled and the thought of comfortable numbness and made my way downstairs.

Just as the tip of my shoe touched the first step, I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. With a slight frown, I reached for it and saw Andy's name next to a so each bubble. A feeling I didn't quite recognized settled in my stomach as I dared to touch it.

The text message popped up on the screen.

The park? It said simply.

I felt my lips part momentarily. This creep had totally just read my mind. I didn't answer anything at the time, just stood there staring at the phone blankly. Should I give up? Should I let go?

At last I decided it would be rude to leave him hanging so I sent him a quick text of confirmation.

Yeah sure.

Twenty minutes? He asked.

I looked down at my attire and studied it. Yeah that's fine. See you then.

Andy's P.O.V

I finally released the breath I didn't know I was holding and headed for my keys and wallet. He had accepted my invitation. I mean, I didn't think he was going to say no, it's just that it felt good.

I asked, he said yes, and I couldn't help but smile wide. When I had everything ready to go, I got out of the apartment and headed to Ashley's.

As usual, when I got there he was waiting for me on the front steps. That feeling started rising in my chest as he got himself up from the steps and made his way to the passenger door.

He opened it with a smile and got into the seat, strapping on his seatbelt. "Hey Andy."

"Hey. Wanna pick something out?" I asked pointing at a pile of records under Ashley's seat.

"Yeah sure." He digged through the record pile as I started driving in the direction of the park.

Finally he came up with a Slayer album and popped it into the stereo. Music made everything more comfortable. I mean is it just me or does that happen to everyone? Music kind of blocks the awkward silence and replaces it with a more comfortable one.

I stole a glance at Ash and saw him looking out the window. He didn't seem as nervous as he was last time but he was still a little off. I took a deep breath and turned away.

Part of me urged me to tell him what I felt today. I wanted to get it out of my chest. But the other part of me made me stay quiet. I would surely drive him away if I told him what I felt. He would be so disoriented and confused.

Plus he's straight, I know it. Me telling him about my feelings for him won't automatically make him like me, so maybe keeping quiet was the best for now.

A couple minutes later we got to the park and walked all the way to the abandoned playground. I sat on my usual swing and Ashley took the one next to me. I lit a cigarette and puffed away.

"Want one?" I offered.

Ashley shook his head and started pushing himself only slightly. "No thanks. I'm good."
Silence settled over us for a couple of minutes before Ashley spoke up again.

"Have you ever been to California?" He asked looking up at me.

"No. Why?"

A long breath escaped from his mouth before he continued. "It's really pretty down there. I kinda miss it already."

A knot automatically tied itself inside my stomach. He wanted to leave? I had forgotten he wasn't from here. He would leave anyways and I would stay here without him.

"You want to leave?"

"Well not now but I do miss the beach and Hollywood and all that." He said. "But I'll be okay. I'll leave at the end of the summer."

His words seemed to have a different meaning for him. I could tell. They didn't mean the same thing for him as they meant for me and that bothered me. It's like he was thinking of something completely different.

"Well I'm glad you're here." I said with a smile.


"Well I grew up with no siblings and very few friends, so the fact that you're here and you've become my brother and friend, is just overwhelming. I like the idea." I said in all honesty, leaving out some things obviously.

A smile appeared on his lips. "I'm glad you're here too."

Hey you guys. This is sort of like a filler chapter but I promise it will contribute to the story. Please comment you guys that would mean a lot to me. ^_^

Oh plus I don't know why I put that song up there but I thought it was relevant. It's called "Love Note For A Rainy Day" by SayWeCanFly.

Remember it's nice to comment! lol who am I kidding.


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