Do or Die

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Ashley's P.O.V

I didn't smile back this time. Instead I took her hand in mine and asked to come inside. Her smile quickly faded as we walked through the door frame. The door was closed behind us.

She didn't seem very nervous, it was just a kind of tiredness to her eyes. It was like she had been through this before. Guilt hit me right in the gut as I realized I was going to join the club of guys who broke Charlotte's heart.

"Listen Charlotte, we need to talk." I said sitting down on her couch. When she didn't follow, I patted the spot next to me.

She gave out a little sigh as she sat. Her legs crossed and her eyes on me. I felt a little pressured to speak up, but I didn't quite know why. It's not like I hadn't done this before.

"What is it about?" She sighed.

"I don't know how to come and tell you this but I don't think we should see each other anymore." I paused. She didn't flinch. "It's nothing you did, I promise. It's just-"

"You're not ready for a relationship?" She asked, the poison dripping from her tongue. "You don't have the time? It's just your feelings are a little too steong? What excuse are you going to use?"

I looked at her in a little shock. This is not the way I wanted this to go.

"Charlotte, I'm n-"

"No don't lie. I want the truth." She stood up, hands on her hips and stared at me. "The truth, Ash."

I didn't want to tell her the truth! What was I going to say? Oh sorry, I'm kind of falling in love with my stepbrother, you know questioning my sexuality and all? I don't know if I'm gay or not and I'm kind of dying inside because this is just another piece of evidence for my father to prove that I'm a faliure.

Of course not.

"The truth is something you don't want to listen to, okay?"

She pursed her lips. "Who's the bitch?"


"What's her name? Who's the girl you want to switch me for?" She asked, getting closer to my face. "What does she have that I don't?" A penis? "Huh?"

"I'm not going to tell you the name of-"

"The name!"


"But that's a-," her eyes widened as she learned how to put two and two together. "You're leaving me for a man?!"

"I told you. You didn't want to hear it."

"Get out of my house." She pointed at the door, motioning me to leave. "Now."

I got up from my seat and prepared to leave but she finished the job for me and pushed me out the door. She slammed the door shut once I was outside. I stood there looking out into the street.

Andy was still tucked inside his truck. He was looking out the window with a confused expression at me. Poor kid didn't know what was going on.

I walked the distance and got into the passanger seat. His confused look stayed on me until I locked in my seatbelt.

"What did you do?" He asked, throwing his thumb back to point at the peeling house.

"What had to be done." I met his eyes and smiled. "I broke up with the chick."

He tried to mask the smile that was evident on his face. He turned away and looked out the window trying to mask the fact that he was happy about it.

I felt a tight feeling in my chest and knew that I didn't really need more time. I had to accept it. I liked Andy too and I had to tell him. I couldn't just sit here with him and not say anything.

The poor man had spilled out his guts to me at the park. He told me exactly how he felt and tried to help me feel better about this situation. Yes, I was still confused.

I didn't really know if I was gay or bi or anything else, but I did know one thing. I liked Andy and I didn't want to keep it a secret any longer.

I know, kind of a sharp turn of events. I didn't want to tell him about half an hour ago and know I'm all good. But that's just how the human mind works, you know? I mean, everyone has had something like that happen to them. One moment you don't want to go to sleep, the next you don't want to leave your bed.

We're complicated.

I turned to him and took his hand, just like before. "Andy, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I guess for not telling you how I felt earlier. I thought I needed time but after ending it with Charlotte I realized that I didn't need any more time to think about this." I took a deep breath.

"Say it." Andy whispered.

"I... I love you." I said.

My heart stopped. Everything stopped. We both stopped. Breaths were held, eyes were locked. The world wasn't turning anymore. It felt weird.

We leaned in little by little, and connected our lips for the second time today. My eyes closed just like before and let Andy's lips guide me.

It was just like in my fantasies when I wished it was Andy and not Charlotte. This time it was his tattooes against mine. It was his hands in my hair. It was him.

We parted ways a few seconds later, staring into each other's eyes.

"However, I still don't know many things." I whispered. "I haven't quite defined my sexuality or gotten the courage to tell my dad about this all."

"It's okay." He whispered, softly running his thumb down my face. "Take your time."

I smiled. "Thank you." My smile mirrored in his face. "Take me home."

I told you it would be soon. :) Goals again?

How about three votes two comments? ^-^ totally reachable. :)


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