We're Who We Are

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Andy's P.O.V

I closed the door of my apartment shut and slid down to the floor. My back rested against the wooden door as I closed my eyes tight.

I couldn't get a grip on what had happened just a couple hours back. My stomach felt heavy and light at the same time. I wanted to laugh and I wanted to cry and I wanted to fight someone.

It was a feeling I had never experienced before in my life. It felt so good.

I opened my eyes with a smile and saw my baby, Crow, sitting right in front of me. His small head was tilted in curiosity.

"Baby, guess what?" I cooed. "Daddy did something crazy today."

He climbed on my lap and purred.

"That's right hun, it paid off."

Ashley's P.O.V

The door was open, so I didn't knock. I twisted the knob and went in to find a full livingroom. Dad, Amy and uncle Collin were gathered around the coffee table discussing something.

My goal had been to go in and sneak into my room without being seen. I didn't want to give any explanations or have to try and hide my emotions. But it seemed as if God had a different plan.

"Sup Ash." Dad was the first one to greet me as I walked towards them awkwardly.

"How's your day going?" Amy asked.

I let the smile fully display itself on my face. Today had been definitely one of the best days I had had in a very long time. It was also one of the most confusing.

"Ooh. I know what that smile means." Collin wiggled his eyebrows. "Date with the lady?"

I shrugged. "More like, I broke up with the lady."

Amy's and Dad's brows furrowed as they exchanged quizzical looks.

"You were so into her lately." Dad said. I knew he was talking about the nights I would go and sleep at her house. Well, "sleep" at her house.

If only he knew that those nights meant nothing. Nothing but a simple excuse to try and forget what wad unforgettable. To try and evade was inevitable.

"What happened?"

"It was nothing she did. I don't really want to talk about it okay?" I asked. If I came across as hurt about it they would stop asking questions.

"You seem happy about it though." Collin added. "That big smile and all."

"Leave the poor boy alone, break ups leave you with mixed emotions at times. He probably doesn't know how to feel." Amy chimed in with the words that would be my salvation. "There's some food in the kitchen if your hungry, Ash. Help yourself."

I smiled at her, mirroring the expression on her face. "Thanks Amy. I'll be up in my room."

Without another cross of words between my family I raced up the stairs and locked myself in my room. Sat on the bed, I leaned back against the headboard and closed my eyes.

Let's recap, shall we?

I woke up this morning in a great mood. The same mood that for some reason had driven me to call up Andy. I didn't expect for him to answer, since we hadn't spoken to each other in almost a week. But he did pick up.

Then he was acting weird and told me he'd pick me up and took me to the park. Not only that but he confronted me about Charlotte and all the lies.

I guess he's smarter than he lets on. He figured everything out. Read me like a book.

But then we kissed and I can't even feel anything yet. It's never been like this before. I feel like I just had my first proper kiss back in high school. It's surreal.

But at the same time I feel so scared. My heart is super happy but my brain is telling me to run away. Everything is so unclear to me.

I'm not even sure of my own sexuality anymore. Am I gay? Pan? Bi? I don't even know what to feel. I like Andy, but I've liked girls in the past too.

Like I've said before, I've had girlfriends in the past. I'm not a virgin, I've had my first kiss with a chick and all. I had a reputation back in high school. I'm not just attracted to men.

I shiver ran down my spine as I realized what I had just thougt. I don't just like men. Like men. Men. Goddamn it. I'm still not comfortable thinking that way. It's so weird.

A long sigh escaped my lips. I wish I had someone to talk to about this. I don't want to talk to Andy because it's been a long day. We've both been through a lot of emotions and I don't want to bother him with something more.

I don't want to talk to dad because I'm not ready yet and I don't think uncle Collin is serious enough to handle something like this. But other than that I have nobody.

Maybe I just had to sleep this over. Think about it a little longer and digest everything that was happening. Like I said, it's been a pretty rough day.

I have mixed emotions.

Just kind of a short filler chapter to just capture how Andy and Ash are feeling after having confesed their love!

More will come. I promise. I'm sorry if I s don't update as often but school's being a pain. :(

Thanks for the support you guys. 2.7k is insane! Thank you so much! Leave it in the comments what you think will happen next or how you're liking the story so far.

Ily -Michelle

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